Buddy's First Outing With His Harness


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
This weekend is special because Sunday 3/22 will be Buddy's one year anniversary living with us. The weather has been rainy but lightened up this afternoon so I put Buddy's harness on him, he fussed a little but was fine. I had his travel cage in the car, but I let him ride on my shoulder. We got a mile away from the house and Buddy threw a temper tantrum that involved my fingers because he decided to work on removing the harness himself. To which he stopped at one point laying on his back with one foot wrapped around my finger. We couldn't stop laughing, it was like the dog who refuses to take a bath and catches his legs against the door jam while the owner tries to take him in the bathroom. This is Buddy when he is in a serious mood.

We got to Petsmart, get out of the car and he said HELLO to everyone. He could have a career as a Walmart door greeter. He didn't care for the toys, but anyone in his view got a Hello, a wolf whistle and he eve did his come here whistle at the manager. Here's Buddy making goo goo eyes. I love how he's looking off.

And as we were leaving I got a shot of him looking so handsome in his red harness. I got him a toy, a shred toy and he was such a sweety on the way home. He did poo on me at the store and when Husband tried to clean it he threw another Buddy tantrum giving the manager a crash course on Amazon behavior. This entailed him jump spinning doing a 180 and growling loud and scaring people because Husband surprised him. I said Buddy would be fun and he is. I'm hoping he will get better, he loved the attention and chattered at everyone.

Hahaha, that sounds hilarious! What a character he is! Always fun to shock the Petsmart patrons.
The last time I was at Petsmart with Willie, I was surrounded by people who wanted to see him. He also let out several screams that went through the whole store....lol

We got to Petsmart, get out of the car and he said HELLO to everyone. He could have a career as a Walmart door greeter.

And as we were leaving I got a shot of him looking so handsome in his red harness. I got him a toy, a shred toy and he was such a sweety on the way home. He did poo on me at the store and when Husband tried to clean it he threw another Buddy tantrum giving the manager a crash course on Amazon behavior. This entailed him jump spinning doing a 180 and growling loud and scaring people because Husband surprised him.

So awesome you were able to get out with Buddy! I was ROARING at the Walmart Greeter comment.

Then you had me again with the vivid description of Buddy throwing a fit when your hubby tried cleaning his poop from you. Bird possessed, LOL.

And the photo in my quote shows one very angelic Buddy. :21:
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And the photo in my quote shows one very angelic Buddy. :21:

One of our friends nailed. He said Buddy has Little Man Syndrome. I was cracking up, it is so true. It was interesting the kind of questions we got like why did his eyes keep getting big and small? What kind of sound is that (growling, don't touch me)? Can I pet him (Do you like your fingers)? He acted so sweet and was sucking them in with sweet Hellos and they were clueless to Amazon behavior and how they don't like cuddling or petting. I Love Buddy!
LOL. I was just laughing my butt off at Buddy's outing:) What a character!
Oh my, what a wonderful thing it is to take an Amazon with you on a harness!!!!
Congrats on having him for 1 year already (hopefully without major injuries to anybody)!!!!!!!
Did I miss your posts on how you taught him to wear a harness?
I would love to know. Maybe you can share or just let me know if you have posts on that.
I am trying to get my YSA to wear a harness, but no way so far. She is the one who is more tolerant of me petting her, so I thought I have a chance with her. But the minute her harness goes over her head she just starts biting it................:(
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As time goes on you maybe able to get some petting in. Brady will step up for anyone but only I am allowed to touch her all over.

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