Bringing home our BTM this weekend


New member
Aug 19, 2014
Blue Throated Macaw-Armand
We're driving down to pick up our BTM this weekend. We can't wait but we want to make sure we're going to make the transition a good one. Any last minute advice for some new parents?


-Keith and Leslie
BTM's tend to be very trusting from the time they hatch...

They pretty much want to be handled all the time, by more or less everyone.
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We fell in love with him from the beginning...we looked at many other birds but he was just so sweet and lovable. We knew immediately that he was going to be a wonderful addition to the family.
Another person getting their bird this week. I'm so very happy for you! Congratulations!

And very, very :green2: [green] with envy.
We fell in love with him from the beginning...we looked at many other birds but he was just so sweet and lovable. We knew immediately that he was going to be a wonderful addition to the family.

I Fostered one, and finished hand feeding another. They are among my very favorite macaws.
Congrats on your new baby! I also love BTM's and can appreciate how unique and lovable they are. I have a RFM and they are very similar in personality. I considered very seriously of adding a BTM to my family but had to realize there would be two parrots who are so similar in personality and needs it would of been way too much for me to handle alone. I still wish I could have a BTM though. I really love these parrots because of so many reasons and a lot of the same reasons I love the RFM.

I brought home enough weaned parrots to learn they will regress when first brought home. I did comfort feed every baby for a while until they adjusted into my home and were more secure with me. Each parrot was different of how long they took the comfort feedings with my Eclectus who was the longest and my Illiger's who took the shortest time. Valentino my RFM I took delivery a week earlier than the breeder felt he was ready to come home. We talked quite at length about this and I was quite concerned with our weather turning too cold to be able to ship him. It was because I had experience with hand feeding the breeder felt comfortable sending me Valentino a week early. I also kept an eagle eye on their weights to make sure they did not lose too much weight.

He was considered weaned but I knew he was going to regress. The breeders home was all he knew and with the severe change in his life I needed to be ready for that. I had his breeder send me a supply of the hand rearing formula she uses so I could have the same type for Valentino. She was very willing to help set me up with Valentino's new adjustment.

Valentino came to me a very confident well socialized, healthy baby. I asked the breeder not to clip his wings because I feel RFM's need to be able to fly. This is what helped keep his confidence high. If you are getting your BTM from Wendy Craig she is very supportive with bringing baby home. Before Valentino arrived she sent him a "welcome home" package with samples of the pellets and other dry foods she feeds her flock with. She included toys also and wrote a wonderful three page story about Valentino's upbringing and information about his parents.

After the initial adjustment period when Valentino was more comfortable with me and our routine I began to work with him right away. I worked with recall training and self entertainment. I got him use to being in his cage for about 6 hours a day. I knew I was going to have to return to the workforce so I needed him to be comfortable with independent play and spending time in his huge cage by himself. I would handle and train your baby with your schedules in mind and with how much time you plan on spending with the BTM for the rest of his life. Get him use to what he is going to experience daily in your home. I also suggest recall training right away especially if you are going to keep your parrot flighted.

Please keep up posted with the homecoming. This form loves to see pictures also so please post some pictures of your baby.
Speaking of trusting... Zoe says welcome to the club!

Be warned, IMO these guys are the most cockatoo like of the big macs and easily spoiled. Make sure your baby learns how to self entertain.

Zoe is very easily bored and needs lots of puzzles and foraging toys and things constantly changed up. She also loves to play games and dismantle things.

Congrats on the new baby. You're going to love him/her.
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We're so excited. Saturday is the lucky day! We're bringing him to the vet right after we pick him up then another two hour drive back home. I'm sure he's going to be slightly mad at us after the vet visit. I built a perch for him so hopefully he likes it!


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Congratulations on your new baby! I would love to see photos. :)
Looks like you did a great job on that perch. Can't wait to see pictures once your baby comes home!
Speaking of trusting... Zoe says welcome to the club!

Be warned, IMO these guys are the most cockatoo like of the big macs and easily spoiled. Make sure your baby learns how to self entertain.

Zoe is very easily bored and needs lots of puzzles and foraging toys and things constantly changed up. She also loves to play games and dismantle things.

Congrats on the new baby. You're going to love him/her.

I never get tired of seeing pictures of that bird.

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