Bring Macaw Home Now or Post-Holiday?


New member
Apr 9, 2015
Pixie - Hahn's Macaw
The husband and I have found a breeder with a Hahn's macaw whom we like. The problem is, we're going on holiday soon. So if we bring the baby home now, we can have it for 2-3 weeks, then we have to return her to the breeder for 4 weeks (while we're away) and then get her back.

Would this kind of change be unsettling to the poor macaw? On the one hand I just want that baby now, but on the other I feel like it would be better for her to stay with the breeder another two months (we can put down a deposit for her) and then we'll bring her home at once.

What do you experienced folks think?
I'd personally wait until after the vacation to pick the baby up. You're only looking at what...7-8 weeks more in total with the breeder? Then, when you come home from your vacation you can dedicate time solely to the little one. :)
I concur with Wendy.
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Thanks Birdman and Wendy. It's how I feel too, logically at least. I'll have a chat with the breeder when I meet her next.
I would most definitely wait. I schedule my vacation to Honduras for just before my new baby is going to come home... I think it would be a little distressing for him moving back and forth so young, IMHO anyhoo.

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