Breathing Question


Active member
Oct 30, 2012
Montreal, Canada
Jasper (6yr old Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot)

Jasper's breathing seems kind of weird to me but not sure if it's anything I need to be worried about. And when each vet visit costs $100 I want to make sure it's something I should be taking him there for.

Sometimes when he breathes I can hear a little click sound. And it almost sounds like someone when they have a cold and need to blow their nose. He doesn't have any discharge, his appetite is normal.

Just curious if you can ever hear them breathing and what it might mean.

Many thanks :green2:
Hearing breathing can be normal, but if it sounds weird to you definitely take him to the vet. Respiratory issues are serious and should be taken very seriously. If he's fine, at least your $100 has caused some relaxation. If he's not ok, $100 is nothing to help ensure his health and safety.. Just my 2 cents ^^

I don't want to scare you but one of my old Eclectus girls Sai was breathing a little bit funny (audible breathing) and I just kept an eye on her , I didn't want to spend $200 if it was nothing. The next morning she was worse and i was going to take her to the vets and would have had to pay over $200, but i could see she was getting much worse, before we could even get to the clinic she passed. Turns out she had an Upper Respiratory Infection.

So I guess my point is breathing issues are of the utmost seriousness.
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I agree with Kinny. I have had other animals that I have taken in for something that I thought was nothing, and it turned out if I had not taken them in when I did they would have died!

I had learned my lesson with one of my animals (a rabbit) names Yue. She was having an off day, just acting strange and seemed just sort of sleepy but was still hopping around so I didn't think much of it. The next day when I realized something was seriously wrong; it was too late and I had to put her down.

Always to be better safe than sorry! If you are worried about money, a lot of vets offer a payment plan if you ask.
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He seems totally normal, nothing is different. I talked to my mom on the way to work today and she said they could hear that clicking I was talking about too sometimes, and that was 2 weeks ago. I'm going to call my breeder as well to see.

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