Since I got Yoshi a few weeks ago, he's accumulated quite a few pin feathers on his head that he can't break. I try to, but every time I do, I feel like I'm pulling on his feathers. Whats a good way to break open the feather?
A daily warm bath and some gentle feather rubbing each day helps. I don't dig my nail into them, I only rub them between my thumb and my index finger. Then when Pepper gets itchy, he scratches at the feathers and they eventually open up.
Lots of misting or bathing! :) My jenday is going through a molt at the moment too, his poor little head and back are covered in pin feathers. He is really cuddly and placid, so he lets me get them for him. I love picking them, it's relaxing some how, haha. Grooming birds is fun!
Hmmm, he doesn't seem interested in the bath, I'll practically put him right in it and he just jumps off and runs back to me. I'll have to get a spray bottle for him so I can start softening up those feathers.
So you just roll them between your fingers or pull on them? I'm really unsure about exactly how to get it off....
I make sure my guys have access to water so they can bathe to soften them up or I mist them with a spray bottle. After they've had a chance to smell like "wet bird" I pull them out of their cages and roll the pins until they start to break open. You just have to be really gentle and if you touch one the wrong way he'll sure as hell let you know! I love watching my guys fluff up and make happy little noises when I "bust pins". It's so cute and rewarding knowing that you're helping them feel better.