brand new owner of 1 year old lovebird a green cheek


New member
Jun 2, 2012
marble falls,tx
Pineapple green cheek and peach faced lovebird.
going to be looking for a lot of advice! have had a lot of birds but not love birds or green cheeks. plus these guys were hand raised but haven't had the most attention last month or so.
Welcome! I have a GCC myself and he's a stinker ;) Peruse the forum, you'll find a lot of information in there if you just go digging. If you can't find the answer by doing that, then ask away! If no one ever asks anything or posts anything, then we wouldn't really have a forum, now would we? ;)
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Just figured out how to post a picture with my phone yay!
No computer this weekend.. I do graphic design for a living
And tore a muscle so am avoiding computers for the weekend
As it aggravates it.

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