Bottlebrush perch smells weird after I washed it….Christmas is ruined 🫠🫣


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2022
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So I bought Cozy a Bird’s LOVE bottlebrush perch for Christmas. I washed it with Dawn soap and warm water and let it air dry. It smells weird now - prior to washing it smelled like nothing. Now it kind of smells like a semi-permanent marker….Anyone have a similar experience with bottlebrush wood? This is my first encounter with it. Is that how it smells after it gets wet? The wood is untreated and has no varnish etc.

I think I ruined Cozy’s 1st Christmas. Now what will she open in the morning???
Can you bake it in the oven on low to dry it out and see if it smells normal? I have no idea why this would happen.

I’m pretty sure that Cosi will be ok with a toilet paper roll or newspaper ball or kitty jingle ball, at least until you can replace the perch. But I’m sorry you’re disappointed .
Can you bake it in the oven on low to dry it out and see if it smells normal? I have no idea why this would happen.

I’m pretty sure that Cosi will be ok with a toilet paper roll or newspaper ball or kitty jingle ball, at least until you can replace the perch. But I’m sorry you’re disappointed .
Now that it’s fully dry, the smell is barely there and smells more like wood now. So I went ahead and just gave it to her. She likes it!

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