Boss Venus


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Each morning I give Buddy and Venus an almond after we say good morning. Buddy gets his first, Venus second. She usually opens her cage door, comes out, climbs to the top of her door, sits and waits while Buddy is getting his and his morning head scratch. I walked over to Venus, put the nut in my hand, open palm, she grabs the nut, throws it, grabs my finger, pulls my hand closer and steps up on my hand. She then jumped on my shoulder like yes I'm coming with you, no exceptions, lol. I love how bold she is and I love how she uses her beak to move my hand where she wants it, even using it to grab my hand and push me away when she's not in the mood. That's typically at night when she has gone to bed, she's such a diva.

Someone posted this pic on Facebook, so fitting for Venus, lol.

What a clever girl opening her cage all in her own. Ekkies are absolutely amazing and beautiful creatures. They are such time wasters haha!! I mean that in a nice way :)
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Venus cracks me up. I don't lock her cage, she opens and closes her own cage door, even Buddy's cage door. I had to put another lock on his door to keep her out of his cage. She then figured out how to open the door to his food bowl and go in that way so I had to lock those. She's a stinker! Im such a good parront, I took a picture of Venus opening Buddy's cage while he was crying. The picture was to show Husband, he didn't believe that she was doing it, opening the doors, lol.

My Kiwi moves my hand when he doesn't like where its at. He moves it where he wants it. Greys are great talkers but I don't think they've got anything on the intelligence of ekkies.
With Eckies, it's ALWAYS the female who is in charge... the males do as they're told.
Venus cracks me up. I don't lock her cage, she opens and closes her own cage door, even Buddy's cage door. I had to put another lock on his door to keep her out of his cage. She then figured out how to open the door to his food bowl and go in that way so I had to lock those. She's a stinker! Im such a good parront, I took a picture of Venus opening Buddy's cage while he was crying. The picture was to show Husband, he didn't believe that she was doing it, opening the doors, lol.

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Yep. Not a fan of those flip up latches. They figure those out really fast.
If you loosen it a little so it doesn't stay up, it slows them down a little...

But then they figure out they can take it COMPLETELY OFF and it's game over...

I am of the opinion that there's no such thing as a "birdproof" cage.
Venus cracks me up. I don't lock her cage, she opens and closes her own cage door, even Buddy's cage door. I had to put another lock on his door to keep her out of his cage. She then figured out how to open the door to his food bowl and go in that way so I had to lock those. She's a stinker! Im such a good parront, I took a picture of Venus opening Buddy's cage while he was crying. The picture was to show Husband, he didn't believe that she was doing it, opening the doors, lol.

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That's too cute!!!

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