bogart flies with 87 grams!


New member
Feb 20, 2015
2 sun conures
wow can our tag fly! he's so good its really something...he picked up a utility knife that weighed 87 grams and started flying with it...he only went about 6 feet but it was amazing...hes always picking up stuff and flying around....he loves to hover in front of mirrors and watch himself fly....he doesn't love our sun conures which is a little problem...he can out fly them even in tight areas because he can hover so well he can turn on a dime like a humming bird...he has gone after them staying right behind in the air...other then the conure problem and not liking his aviator harness hes doing great! very friendly....
Parrot on the loose, armed and dangerous! I'm very impressed with your bird's flying skills but I do hope the utility knife had a closed blade.

I'm glad your flock is doing well. Hopefully your tag will grow fond of the conures or at least learn to tolerate them.
Doesn't possession of a knife get you on the "no-fly" list??:rolleyes:

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