

May 17, 2010
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South Africa - Cape Town
Mustache Parakeet - Milo
CAG - Charlie
Hi all!

I have a 9 month old moustache parakeet. I do not know yet if it is a male or a female, but he does a funny and very cute little dance where he streches his neck out as far as he can, then puts his beak to the ground, then repeat, almost like a slow dance, all the way from where he is to my waiting hand. No wing display in this tango though. Any ideas as to what this means? Mating dance or just funning around? Do you think it gives any clues as to if it is male or female. He will also softly bite my hand sometimes as if it wants to mate, but surely he is still too young? :p
This is my pretty baby! Please, any ideas will help.


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Beautiful bird!! First if all I caution you to have a new bird check up with an avain vet. What you descreibe could be nothing or could be a physical problem.
Thank you for your anwser. I have had him since he was 5 weeks old, and have had him for check-ups twice, just to be sure. His dance is more of a playfull mating tipe of ritual. I will try to get a video of it soon.
Auggie does something like this a lot. It seems to just mean he is happy and playful (and maybe a bit 'randy').
Your baby is awesome, loved the picture.
Sounds like the bird is just happy, dancing around and being playful.
Perhaps you should introduce your bird to Auggie...........

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