Bluffing stage seems to be "over"


New member
Mar 20, 2013
For the last 2 days, I notice that Rich is not biting me anymore even if she is inside her cage. She is now very willing to step up on my fingers without a single bite. I am so happy about this new development on my Rich. Is this a sign that the bluffing stage in my bird's life is really over? Also, when I get home in the afternoon, when she sees me opening the gate, she seems to be excited and wanting to get out of her cage, which I normally do everyday. She is now very friendly although she still doesnt want to be patted on her back. She just wants to step up on my fingers. will she ever allow me to cuddle her?

As she gets more trusting of you, she should be easier to handle.....although you don't really want to pet her on her back or under her wings because this is a sign birds use to indicate they are interested in mating and you do not want to give your bird the wrong them the wrong signals can cause behavior problems worse than her bluffing.....

Congratulations on her becoming friendlier.....
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Oh, I see. Maybe head scratching is better. she sometimes allows me to do it, but not always. Thanks for the reply.

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It looks like you're making great progress with her :)

Just something to keep in mind, I'm not sure what kind of bracelet you have on but it's best not to let birds chew on any sort of jewellery, since it may contain heavy metals which are, of course, not good for your bird to be ingesting.

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