Blood looking bulb on base of budgie tail?


New member
Aug 28, 2019
My budgie of 8 years has a small, strange looking bulb filled with blood on the base of his tail, maybe on or very near his preen gland. Connected to this blood filled bulb is a dry, shrivelled, hard as a rock feather which is grey and black in colour. What could this possibly be?


Welcome to the forums. I’m sorry your little guy is having problems, that looks like it could cause extreme discomfort. I would make an appointment with a certified avian veterinarian, there’s a good possibility of infection. Birds are highly skilled at hiding symptoms of illness as long as possible, he may look better than he feels.
I agree with Allee, make an appt with your CAV tomorrow.
I'm sorry this happened, it looks painful.

Please keep us posted.
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I've been told it might be an ingrown feather, which comforts me a little! But I'll still take him to the vet just incase. I'll keep you updated! I'm hoping he's okay. :(
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Update: Budgie is okay!! Turns out it was just a feather cyst. The feather was removed, and a salve was applied to the cyst. The cyst is shrinking and looks much better! And he seems very happy. I'm so relieved! Thank you both for your advice. :)
Update: Budgie is okay!! Turns out it was just a feather cyst. The feather was removed, and a salve was applied to the cyst. The cyst is shrinking and looks much better! And he seems very happy. I'm so relieved! Thank you both for your advice. :)

So glad to hear the outcome for Budgie.:)

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