Bleeding lovebird


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Sep 15, 2021
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I have had my lovebird 8 years and in the last week he has been constantly pecking the bass of his tail until today there was spots of blood on the bottom of the cage. He still continues to peck at it. How do I stop him? Please help
Welcome to the Forums! I'm sorry it is under some worrying circumstances however.

It's difficult to say exactly what may be going on with your lovebird, he may have a skin infection of some kind, or perhaps a problem with his preen gland which is located at the base of his tail. Or even possibly something happening under the skin. It sounds rather like a trip to the vet may be in order as it is clearly bothering him. The link below may help you find a qualified avian vet if you are not already acquainted with one...

If you let us know which part of the world you live in, we may be able to give you more info about avian vets in your area.

Wishing your little one a full and speedy recovery - please keep us posted.

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