Black Ball Dangling? Green Cheek


New member
Jun 22, 2015
Hey everyone i woke up this morning gave my green cheek some fruit and went away for a couple hours but when i came home i found this black hard dangling thing on my conures neck, i dont know what it is but i took it out it seemed to not give pain to my bird but as we took it out we as well found some yellowish slime looking seeds under his feathers. Im worried what this is and i dont know if i should be concerned, i think maybe he threw up something... Please help me im worried for my little guy :( Thanks guys!:rainbow1:
Welcome to the forum!

It sounds like your bird may have regurgitated. Parrots regurgitate to feed their mates and sometimes will try to feed their favorite person. They deliberately bring up food. If no one was there, it's possible he was regurgitating to feed an object. Have you ever noticed him doing this?

The other possibility is your bird was throwing up. This is different than regurgitating, a bird will shake his head from side to side and usually fling food when they throw up. If your bird is throwing up a visit with an Avian Vet is in order.

Good luck. Please let us know how your bird is doing.
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I agree that it sounds like regurgitation gone wrong.

Is your bird showing any other signs of illness, such as lethargy, staying low/on the ground of the cage, ruffled feathers, sleeping more, lack of appetite, runny poops ext...? Or is he acting perfectly normal?
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Hey everyone thanks for the reply and help apparently we went to the vet and both of their crops opened, one needed surgery and now their both currently on medicine :(. But its alright we found out that the lady who we bought these two wonderful birds gave them formula to hot which later resulted in a opening crop. Their doing fine and healing and alot happier now. Thanks guys :)
Pleased they're doing okay and yay for the vet!
Aw poor babies! I'm so happy you took care of them and brought them to the vet. Thank you for that.

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