My AG Mishka has her own recipe for pellets called :emoticonc
"Mishka De'lishka"
Sought out by colors, :05: throw the purple ones out
Place remaining pellets in water bowl, add the nuts mom supplied earlier, make sure they are chewed and broken.
Take out and throw to one corner of the cage, making a neat little pile.:58:
For decoration surround the pile with fresh fruit and feathers found on the bottom of the cage.
Recipe will last a while "till mom finds it " :5_sad:
"Mishka De'lishka"
Sought out by colors, :05: throw the purple ones out
Place remaining pellets in water bowl, add the nuts mom supplied earlier, make sure they are chewed and broken.
Take out and throw to one corner of the cage, making a neat little pile.:58:
For decoration surround the pile with fresh fruit and feathers found on the bottom of the cage.
Recipe will last a while "till mom finds it " :5_sad: