Birds I Would Like


New member
Jun 7, 2011
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Acorn - a Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure;
Bob - a Cockatiel;
Cricket - an American Budgie
Please note that this is a list of birds that I find interesting and/or cool looking; I believe that most if not all of them would make poor pets, and have no intention of aquiring any as pets.

Humming Birds: these are cool little birds native exclusively to the Americas (although lorikeets remind me of them). I may install a feeder and if I recognize a repete feeder I will name it and call it a pet.

Penguins: everybody knows penguins. I think that they would theoretically make good pets as they are social animals like dogs or parrots, but they all have a dietary requirement of fish, and most if not all species dislike warm climates. They all require lots of swimming room, and most if not all require a large colony to be happy. Maybe if I get rich I will find a way to donate some to the local zoo and call those "my penguins".

A ratite: this is not a speciffic bird, bot an order, the common species are large, impressive and likely dangerous. They include ostriches, emus, cassowaries and rheas. Kiwis are pet sized, but from what I know of them they would make poor pets.

A raptor: this is a grouping of birds that does not even accomidate the genitic similarities of ratites; they are simply birds or prey. They are impressive birds, and I believe that they can be kept happy a something similar to pets, but this requires resourses that I (and probably most people) lack.

A hoatzin: if I could have any bird on this list it would be a hoatzin. They are possibly the oldest living species of bird, and have something akin to hands visible in babies. If I had one I would name it Micro; short for little dinosaur.

As I said I do not believe that any of these birds would make suitable pets, and that I have no intention of aquiring one to live in captivity, or to even pet. I just find them to be interesting and/or impressive birds.
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Hummingbirds are amazing. Install several feeders at different places around your yard and you could get several regular vistors. Homemade nectar is really easy and inepensive to make. But it has to be changed often so it can be a little hard to keep up with.

We had a couple feeders in our yard and one feisty little male would sit in our peach tree and guard both. He'd only let the females partake freely (go figure) and would pick a fight or drive off any other males.

They're pretty aggressive and territorial and there's a reason they're so little.
I think all birds are amazing little feathered critters. Big, little or inbetween. They are survivors too. The hummers are especially wonderful to watch.
I like your thinking ! Good to dream , I have many bird feeders around our home and need my bird book more these days as so many different bird stop over for a free feed . As for penguins we live 40 min from one of the biggest colony's in Australia ( Phillip Island in Vic ) u can sit while all the penguins walk by very impressive !
But when u say cassowarie Wow l love them but they can be very scary & will chase any one who ventures to close . How about the tawny owl gotta love that one .Cheers...
Humming birds are my fav. bird to watch. I my last house i lived in i had a female return for 5 years. She was my "pet". She would fly to my window every spring when she made it back and peck on it until i would see her. Then fly window to window to watch me get the feeder ready. Assoon as i made it out the door she would land on my finger to drink. She would only do it with me. The year she didn't return was so sad but i did have others but never could get to close to them. When i moved i left the feeders and enough stuff to mix to last the season for the new owners. I love them but could never keep one as a real pet. Where i live now i might get one flying threw but i have planted lots of trees and flowers so maybe next year i will get lucky to call one my "pet" again
I talk about having a pet owl ALL the time. I usually act like I'm joking but I'm really not. Mind you, it's not really the norm to have pet owls in the US, but I suppose there may be opportunities to take in an injured animal that can't be returned to the wild some day.
I would like to have a falcon. I think they are so graceful and beautiful.
Since we're in dreamland, I want one that is trained to "go get" anybody who annoys me, especially at work.
He can fly off my shoulder, give someone a good "smack", and then come flying back to his mama.
I pretty much agree with everything you are saying. I like humming birds but I would only set feeders and plant flowers they like. They are fun birds to watch. In a way you can say they are a roaming pet.:) Hopefully by next spring I will be moved somewhere where I can set up feeders for them. Maybe this winter I will be feeding song birds. But if I could have a bird beside a little parrot it would be between a hoatzin bird or a bird of paradise. I lean more toward the hoatzin bird. However,asyou said it is probably not a bird that would make a good feathered companion.

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