Bird's favorite swing rusted...


Dec 7, 2020
Hello everyone!
I am back with another question.
My 2 lovebirds sleep on this swing, it has got metal chains on the side and a flat piece of wood to sit on, like a platform perch but with chains... I'd also like to mention that the flat wood piece is only 10 cm in length and 7 cm in width. I know it's small for 2 lovebirds to sleep on, but they won't sleep anywhere else.
I've noticed that the swing is rusting, I want them to sleep on their platform perch, but no success. So I have started putting that swing right before they sleep (put it in their cage and immediately turn off the light) and remove it first thing in the morning (around 8:30 am). Still I am worried because rust is very poisonous... I don't know what to do and can't find a replacement of the swing. And my birds would rather hang on the side of their cage all night rather than sleep on their platform perch.
I just want to make them sleep anywhere except that swing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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