Birdies eating noodles. :)


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Minnesota, USA
Ianto-10yr old M. YN-Amazon,
Toshiko - 10yr old F. YN-Amazon (Mated pair)
So, Elvis and Priscilla had thier first encounter with home-made chicken noodle soup. I made it for supper and thought its all fresh veggies in it and no added spiced that they couldnt have. So i offered them some and it was the funniest thing ever to watch them suck the linguini noodles down like a lil' kid and a bowl of spaghetti. They were slurping them down faster then i could hand them to them. lol. They loved all the soft veggies and even ate the little chicken pieces in it. =) Now they have a look on thier face is the infamous parrot smile. Which is made even cuter by the squished noodle goatee they both have from eating the noodles so fast. :greenyellow::greenyellow:lol:D
I have never had a parrot that did NOT like noodles. All my birds loved them and ate them real fast kinda like a dog. Its funny to watch them suck them on down. Glad you are enjoying your new two feathered friends.

lol nut lurves the noodles :) its funnier watching her being all interested an sneaky trying to get extra lol
Noodles are a big hit here as well. Am I the only one slightly disturbed by birds eating chicken? Hmm, maybe it's just the vegan in me lol :p
Mylah loves pasta!! and she had some chicken tonight she eats it now the first couple of times i gave it to her she threw it away
I've been making enriched whole wheat pasta for Merlin. He loves it w/tomatoes, marinara sauce (just a tiny bit). One of his favorite things. Isnt that amazon smile histerical. You can really tell when they love what they are eating.
i get tube pasta and fill it with mashed vegies, she loves it!!
Boo isn't much on standard pasta, but he goes nuts for lo mein noodles. Every time he sees a Chinese food carton, he's got to check it out to see if there's lo mein in it.

His favorite is pork lo mein.
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I added a little homemade spagetti sauce to the noodles I gave them today and he basically inhaled them! my goodness, thanx for the awesome suggestion.
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Here's a video of him enjoying his noodles. I'm still working on making videos work correctly on the forum so u might have to click it so watch it.
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