Birdell sneaks lid off coffee can-AGAIN!!


Dec 5, 2014
Michigan, USA
5 Parrots, 8 year old Blue-fronted Amazon, 2 1/2 yr. old African Grey, 2 3/4 year old Senegal. 5 month old ekkie, 5 month old Albino parakeet. Major Mitchell Cockatoo, passed away at age 68.
Well....guess who is attempting to steal another coffee lid off
coffee can....yep, Birdell. Little devil managed again to get it all
the way into bird room and to his cage. Persistent isn't he?

Here's a photo of him trying to attempt to get it onto the top of his cage.
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Look at that eye! One can always tell when their bird is feeling devious by their eyes lol:p

I guess Birdell liked chewing up the first one so much, he swooped in and stole the next one available too:D
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Look at that eye! One can always tell when their bird is feeling devious by their eyes lol:p

I guess Birdell liked chewing up the first one so much, he swooped in and stole the next one available too:D

Well the last lid was blue, as he had a thing about the color blue...but as it turns out....he doesn't care, he want's the coffee lid. Well Grayson is the "button" theif...before you can say HEY !!! He's got your button from shirt.
I'm so glad you got some pictures of Birdell "in the act"! He is so DETERMINED! LOL!

Who knew he would end up having a "thing" for coffee can lids?!
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Are you going to start saving them for him if he doesn't steal them first?

Lol....believe it or not, I have a handful of people saving coffee can lids. I will find a way to make a toy out of a string of them.

Funny he has a million toys, seldom interested. Instead He likes to chew coffee can lids...any shoe he can find that's not nailed down....loves shoe strings. So I found a pair of infant/toddler baby shoes that were never worn, tied it to a perch on his cage and boy oh boy you'd have thought he went to Disney land...enjoyed that for hours, days actually.

And loves wood, will reshape any furniture you have, guaranteed. Got him stopped of chewing switched to coffee lids...What a bird.
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Oh, I love his name. Birdell's so darn cute! ♡♡♡

Thanks.... My mother In law hates it, so that's why I chose it.... :32: Har har... oh I'm mean devil. Actually my wife thought it up. I Like the name.

My mom in law calls him ( Bird heck)....with the ell instead of the eck in second part of his name....LOL.

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