Bird Yoga


New member
Sep 26, 2015
upstate NY
Paco TAG 18 yrs ~&~ Peanut GCC 1 yr
So Pea has been settling in very nicely and he is just the most handsome, sweetest little bird I love him to death! His screaming hasn't stopped despite my best efforts but I have started to learn to live with it, and his tone when he does scream doesn't sound quite as unhappy. Now it sounds more excited.

So I do yoga almost every day and my poor parrots get to watch me contort myself all over the place. Frankly I think they are puzzled by it.

BUT, I have caught them doing some yoga of their own on occasion.

Is he flighted? My old GCC was always going outdoor with me, either morning walk or evening stroll to the park or cafe. But his wing was clipped. He just hated separating from me, and would stick to wherever I went. LOL
Birds are so beautiful :)

I love the coloring on your yellow sided GCC (or at least I think he's a yellow sided?), I think that's my fav variation... I also love the regular ones.... I like it when their feet and beaks are darker in color. I'm super excited, I cannot wait until I get my little GCC!
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Is he flighted? My old GCC was always going outdoor with me, either morning walk or evening stroll to the park or cafe. But his wing was clipped. He just hated separating from me, and would stick to wherever I went. LOL

He was clipped when I got him but he has been molting his primaries so he is becoming more and more flighted. I take Pea everywhere but I think this was his last time outside until he gets harness trained!

Birds are so beautiful :)

I love the coloring on your yellow sided GCC (or at least I think he's a yellow sided?), I think that's my fav variation... I also love the regular ones.... I like it when their feet and beaks are darker in color. I'm super excited, I cannot wait until I get my little GCC!

Thanks! Pea is super beautiful (handsome?). He is a regular GCC, not a yellow-sided. I originally wanted a yellow-sided but I fell in love with Pea and have not regretted it. Pea is beautiful, and he has the dark feet and dark bill unlike the yellow-sided which I also prefer. And congrats on soon getting your new feathered friend! Looking forward to seeing pics of him/her.
Is he flighted? My old GCC was always going outdoor with me, either morning walk or evening stroll to the park or cafe. But his wing was clipped. He just hated separating from me, and would stick to wherever I went. LOL

He was clipped when I got him but he has been molting his primaries so he is becoming more and more flighted. I take Pea everywhere but I think this was his last time outside until he gets harness trained!

Birds are so beautiful :)

I love the coloring on your yellow sided GCC (or at least I think he's a yellow sided?), I think that's my fav variation... I also love the regular ones.... I like it when their feet and beaks are darker in color. I'm super excited, I cannot wait until I get my little GCC!

Thanks! Pea is super beautiful (handsome?). He is a regular GCC, not a yellow-sided. I originally wanted a yellow-sided but I fell in love with Pea and have not regretted it. Pea is beautiful, and he has the dark feet and dark bill unlike the yellow-sided which I also prefer. And congrats on soon getting your new feathered friend! Looking forward to seeing pics of him/her.

I figured your GCC was more than likely a normal since his feet are a nice darker color. I'll probably end up getting a normal GCC I really like darker feet as it's so authentic... I know... I'm weird what can I say ;) I plan to name my GCC "Kiwi" so more green the better lol. Either way.. all the variations are gorgeous!
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I figured your GCC was more than likely a normal since his feet are a nice darker color. I'll probably end up getting a normal GCC I really like darker feet as it's so authentic... I know... I'm weird what can I say ;) I plan to name my GCC "Kiwi" so more green the better lol. Either way.. all the variations are gorgeous!

Good luck with your decision! Pea has more than enough beautiful colors for me to admire even though he is "normal" I wouldn't trade him for anything!
I figured your GCC was more than likely a normal since his feet are a nice darker color. I'll probably end up getting a normal GCC I really like darker feet as it's so authentic... I know... I'm weird what can I say ;) I plan to name my GCC "Kiwi" so more green the better lol. Either way.. all the variations are gorgeous!

Good luck with your decision! Pea has more than enough beautiful colors for me to admire even though he is "normal" I wouldn't trade him for anything!

I'm starting to lean towards getting a normal... I'm not a fan of the super light colored feet in the other variations... even though the yellow sided have beautiful rainbow colors I still like the "old fashioned" ones as mother nature made them :)

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