Bird Tossing


Jun 11, 2010
I said I would get this on vid! I did, but it is sideways, blow.

Bird Tossing: [ame=""]YouTube - Bird Tossing[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Bird Tossing P2[/ame]

This Zambezie. He resides at Auckland Bird Rescue.
Take it from me he trusts me completely. And hangs with me most of the time. I have to shake him off to use the phone or he bites me after a couple of mins with the phone to my ear.
In the second vid he gets down around my leg, and I am trying to make sure he is not holding on to me. Without hurting him. I would not be happy camper if I tossed him away. It was his way of saying that's enough. So I did not want to sort the vid and do it all again. So it will have to wait to get one upright.
I practice this with him most days, but would only do it 4/5times and move on to something else. And we had 4 goes at the vids, so the fun was starting to wear off.
HAHA that is awesome :smile049:

I used to do something like that with buddy where she would be launched upside down and flip up the right way mid air and take flight, but still nothing like that lol. 5 stars
That's great! It's amazing the weird things they like to do. They really are little dare devils.

Popcorn likes to swing. He sits on my hand and lets me hold on to his toes, then I swing him up and down over my shoulder then down just above the floor. He loves it. When he wants to swing, he lands on my hand - normally he lands on my arm - then tucks his wings in, his head down . If I don't swing soon enough, he drops backwards and makes me swing. At the top he opens up his wings, beats them a few times and raises his crest...the tucks up again for another go.
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Ok! Some people think this is stupid and dangerous! it is a stunt that he likes to do. Nobody is forcing him against his will. I would not do that, end of story.
If you listen you can hear him cackling away.

Please do not try this with your Fids unless you are completely confident of what you are doing. And you are capable of catching it.
My relationship with Zammy is 100% trust, and a bond that is so strong. He will leap into space and crash to the ground trying to get to me.
He will chase me down the drive, even back into the building. I take him shopping. if you put him on the ground he will chase after me anywhere.
I would not do anything that would put him in danger.
Because he is clipped (I am anti clipping) he gets special treatment. And he can be trusted to come to me at anytime. he even has a nest site for me.
One forum has removed this, as they feel it is inappropriate.
I posted to show what can be done if you and a Fid bond 100%
This takes time, effort, and re-pore to build this sort of trust.
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Awww, that's amazing. What kind of bird is he again? Why don't you adopt him if you guys trust each other that much?

I'll post a picture of my T shirt after a day at the rescue. They are very messy birds. And as I do not believe in cages he would make one heck of a mess in my home. The Tiels are so much cleaner.

Zambezie is a Hand tame Rainbow Lorikeet. He was surrendered to the rescue as he can be very very loud and the owner was told it's you or the bird that goes. Even at the rescue some would like to see him gone, due to the noise he can make when not getting what he wants. You need to be there when he hears the hear my car pull up. He craves attention all day and every day. If it's daylight he makes noise.
I almost got a hand reared Rainbow because of Zambezie. he is the most out going Fid that I know.
He is better off at the rescue as all the children that come to visit, get a kick out of having a parrot climb over them. And his playfull nature.
And Lyn lets me take him anywhere I want anyway.

There are around 16/18 Fids in cages inside and 21 in the double Flight outside plus a few others, that I give time to every day I am there.
Pandis SC2, Lorries, Tiels, Love birds, Budgies, Ringneck, Galah. in at the moment. This is only the caged Fids. I will not list the wild birds that come here to be nursed back to good health and then released, these numbers can be huge over summer. Smallest Gold Finch, Waxeye. To the largest this year, Bullers Mollyhawk. This is an member of the Albertross group.
Yesterday at one stage I had 2x Rainbows and Pandis (SC2) on me. I am working on seeing how many I can get to sit on me at any one time.:smile002::smile002::smile002: Topped 6 in the avairy, where everybody else gets attacked.:p
I do enjoy seeing them Happy.
That's so great. I'd love to do volunteer work at my own rescue shelter but I can't drive yet, I'm only 16 :p Those birds at the shelter are lucky to have you around. Keep up the good work!
Yesterday at one stage I had 2x Rainbows and Pandis (SC2) on me. I am working on seeing how many I can get to sit on me at any one time.:smile002::smile002::smile002:

When I was a kid there was a homeless guy that used to hang out in the shopping mall (outside one) he made a perch that came out of the back of his jacket. He lived with a flock of sulfur crested toos that all used to sit on his shoulders, head and on the perch. It was amazing to see :white1:
When I was a kid there was a homeless guy that used to hang out in the shopping mall (outside one) he made a perch that came out of the back of his jacket. He lived with a flock of sulfur crested toos that all used to sit on his shoulders, head and on the perch. It was amazing to see :white1:

I expected you to say pigeons or doves! Oh, I love our members in Oz!
One slip and you have an injured bird. Not something I would do with Rosie or any other bird. Would you toss you human baby like that?
One slip and you have an injured bird. Not something I would do with Rosie or any other bird. Would you toss you human baby like that?

I have to say I agree with SB, even professional baseball players drop the ball once in awhile............
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One slip and you have an injured bird. Not something I would do with Rosie or any other bird. Would you toss you human baby like that?

I have to say I agree with SB, even professional baseball players drop the ball once in awhile............

One slip and you have an injured bird. Not something I would do with Rosie or any other bird. Would you toss you human baby like that?

I am sorry you are not the only ones who feel this is inappropriate behavior.

yes I would and have tossed a baby like that, I was also tossed around when I was young, and I used to scream with delight as I enjoyed it. I even had my shoulder pulled out doing airoplane spins and still went back for more.


You are over stating the this "One slip and you have an injured bird"
Zambezie is a ruff and tumble Rainbow Lorikeet. World Famous for their antics, that put them in danger all the time, it is in their nature to be Class Clowns.

Life is full of risks! Yes, there is always a chance of dropping him. When catching him it is very important make sure I do not grab him to hard and hurt him. So I do drop him as such, as I would always let him tumble in my hands until I can get hold of him. but this would break his fall anyway.
My reaction time is very good, it has to be I work in trees a lot of the time.
And I am used to catching and throwing things. And he never tries to open his wings and fly. Which even with clipped wings he can still flutter down if he wants to. it's called trust, and a certain connection, not many will ever have or it seems understand.
But he is in no more danger than when he launches into space trying to get to me. I have seen him crash and burn, little sod, scares the pooh out of me.

Live life to the full and you will enjoy it. Or like some keep your kids locked up out of harms way. What sort of life is that?
These poor little birds need interaction to break the bordom of being locked up in small cages all day every day, maybe for the rest of their life.
Please do not begrudge them some fun.
If we had the funds I would demand a flight room, where I could let all the fids have time out of their cages. I dislike cages.

If they were taken to the SPCA they would be put to sleep as they will not keep them that long. They would not have any out of the cage time and a needle to end it all.

Thank you all those who enjoyed the vids. who know life has to have it's good moments of fun. Zambezie is one little happy camper whenever I am around, and to me that counts a lot more those doom and gloom merchants.

Please remember do not try this at home. A lot of work went into this trick My main reason for posting as it shows just how much trust the right person can have with the right bird. And Loris are known for their crazy habits and tricks
I do now realise there are a lot of bird owners that will never have this special connection with their own birds let alone someones problem birds, or escapees. And therefor maybe incapable of understanding this sort of trust.
Take what I have achieved with Pandis in just a few months. We now have a more normal SC2. (After 20 odd years) he does not spend so much of his time in a corner of a very large cage. He will venture out and about, with much more confidence. (He still will bite, and I think this will never stop. He does stop short of biting down hard now, so I am OK with that.)
This in its self has caused some new problems, as again we do not have a room just for the birds to play in, that is bird safe. Nothing is safe in the bird room, And SC2's are known destructers of all things that fit in the beak. But it is great to see him now, he stands a lot taller.

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