bird safe / edible plants?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
I really want to start growing plants because I just really like plants and I was wondering if there are any bird safe or even ones that are edible for birds so I wouldn't have to worry about Lincoln getting into it or even letting it be a foraging thing for him. He likes tear-able things.
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Found this page, does it look okay?
As a plant lover/grower myself I have a link to a list of bird safe plants. But if you want to start with an easy plant that is definitely safe for your feathered babies to eat, try aloe plants. Hardy and easy to care for. Just be careful which potting soil you use. I’ve had to switch to organic, pesticide free, fertilizer free potting soil because my GCC loves to dig and forage in my pots.

Here’s the link:
Another idea could be kale. I homeschool my daughter and we are doing a science project now involving plant growth, so I am having her grow kale that way I can feed it to the birds as it grows. It would be something that would definitely be safe, and could cut down on your grocery bill in the end too.

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