Bird keeper / budgie rescue

budgie choir

Jul 1, 2023
Budgies: Yoko, Dreamy, Ono, Jeter, Liilly, Primrose, Pegasus
New Member
I had birds on my farm as a kid. I did not really bond with the birds because I was busy bonding with horses and playing sports at the time so I had dull memories of birds basically learned how to care fore them on a basic level. It wasn't until many many years later after I gave up my aquarium hobby did I rediscover Parakeets -they are so full of party vibes! I love karaoke- they do to! I love morning bird songs waking me up- they do to! I love organic salads, berries, nuts, and seeds- they do to! I love engineering habitats for them- they love it too! (wicker, Hemp, coconut, lemon grass, sisal, and Jute are my best friends) I love crafting toys, repurposing things for perches and playgrounds No cages (except when new, sick or hormonal) . I sterilize grape vine- make wreathes, and perches. They love it too! If the bands can be removed without clipping them I learned how to do I have bandless budgies climbing around I no longer worry about them getting caught up (keep nails trimmed)

I have avian lights, disco light, and we locked down the surround sound for karaoke and dance party happy hour!

My experience:
Behavior issues are always related to environmental stress (noise, habits, people, toxic odors, or lack of fresh air, not enough light, negativity, fighting, or neglect) or boredom, malnutrition, sickness, so many things.......

I could not do any of this without:
The Pet STOP in New Hampshire
You tube for budgies sounds when my first couple of budgies first arrived they were sick and traumatized, and needed some flock love.

I have had a difficulty finding an avian vet that actually understands and gets budgies. I will keep looking but over all my experience with vets are that they don't really know what they are doing (even handling), and I have been ripped off. Plus the world is, including vets: Still learning about communal species and the balance between human care (contact) and the need to provide them with community and their own kind.

Bonding is especially complicated for aquatics as well. You have Orca's taken from pods, forced to bond with humans for food. they are incredibly social and sexual animals like budgies...they are forced interact with just humans all day me that's gross no offense. they need us for food and so naturally they have to trust us. They don't have any of their kind, they are bored and lonely that is the only reason they tolerate humans. Lilly and Jeter learned how to manipulate me (interacting cutely with me) into giving them millet but if they could avoid me and get it themselves they would...

My birds love, they love me singing to them, reading to them, being part of the flock. they dont beak with me- i am not a bird. they dont come to me for affection (I dont sexualize them when i touch them just by holding them or petting them) they act like birds.

I don't really appreciate the world humanizing animals. I am not into Zoo's unless they are rescue's that assess the re release options if possible.

My future is in wild life/ raptor rehab.

That said people have so much to learn about how to take care of the planet: I see animals living lives of sacrifice on behalf of humans so that we may evolve and become more compassionate.

Thank you for your website, I look forward to exploring here.....learning and budgie choir thanks you!
Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like you’re becoming a very dedicated owner to your flock!

I agree with you on the topic of orcas/dolphins. Simply, they are not pets.

And, a reminder! On this forum, we love pictures 😍
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Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like you’re becoming a very dedicated owner to your flock!

I agree with on the topic of orcas/dolphins. Simply, they are not pets.

And, a reminder! On this forum, we love pictures 😍
Thank you for the warm welcome (everyone) coming soon!
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Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like you’re becoming a very dedicated owner to your flock!

I agree with on the topic of orcas/dolphins. Simply, they are not pets.

And, a reminder! On this forum, we love pictures 😍
OMG Zero....I just noticed how large your crew is....WOW...Whoa!!!! must be so much fun...Do you have an air steralizer you might rec?
OMG Zero....I just noticed how large your crew is....WOW...Whoa!!!! must be so much fun...Do you have an air steralizer you might rec?
It’s definitely lots of work!

And yes, I have an air purifier, I couldn’t live without one!
The brand is Filtrete and I use a HEPA filter.
Welcome to the forums, @budgie choir and flock!! I DO love that username btw, and I think that budgie voices are among the most joyful sounds in the world! My budgie Val is quite the singer and we are so lucky to have his beautiful songs to listen to every day 💖 In fact I *almost* have two budgies cos my lorikeet Lovejoy has learned to imitate Val so well that they sing together and I often can't tell their voices apart!

Looking forward to those pics whenever you can post them, and I'm so happy to have you all aboard!
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I am emotional from your email, Your words, your heart, your memories that you share ~keeping so much sacred alive: Crown Princess Lilly Pilly
.....thank you for the welcome~

Funny story your birds...I am able to distinguish each of their voices from each other (my budgies) far they dont mimic each other except when but they do like to mimic music....they love Kanye wouldnt it be finny if they started rapping?
my new gal is young her voice is deep and raspy i almost called her tina as in tina turner but i think i am going to go with Heyoon Primrose
FYI our play list is on youtube if you search : "budgie choir hour" theirs a wide variety the birds seem to love
Lovely to see someone enjoying the natural flock side of budgie keeping!
I am emotional from your email, Your words, your heart, your memories that you share ~keeping so much sacred alive: Crown Princess Lilly Pilly
.....thank you for the welcome~

Funny story your birds...I am able to distinguish each of their voices from each other (my budgies) far they dont mimic each other except when but they do like to mimic music....they love Kanye wouldnt it be finny if they started rapping?
my new gal is young her voice is deep and raspy i almost called her tina as in tina turner but i think i am going to go with Heyoon Primrose
FYI our play list is on youtube if you search : "budgie choir hour" theirs a wide variety the birds seem to love
Welcome! My budgies have all seemed to like Frank Sinatra, so I guess they all have their particular tastes lol!
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Welcome! My budgies have all seemed to like Frank Sinatra, so I guess they all have their particular tastes lol!
Hello budgie mate I will have to try Sinatra!!! THey love Tom Waits Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan this guy called must be the deep voices......LOL budgie fun...
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  • #13
Hello budgie mate I will have to try Sinatra!!! THey love Tom Waits Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan this guy called must be the deep voices......LOL budgie fun...
Welcome! My budgies have all seemed to like Frank Sinatra, so I guess they all have their particular tastes lol!
Maybe they will like this one....

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