Bill and I want to say hi.


New member
Oct 10, 2018
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Conneaut Lake, Pa
Bill, Yellow Naped
Banker, Muloccan Cockattoo
I have been a Parrot owner for about a month. After trolling through this Parrot forum I’m thinking that I’m a pretty lucky guy. Let me start by telling you guys that I’m 50 and have wanted a Parrot for a long time. When I was a kid my parents got a Yellow Headed Amazon. I remember the first time my father pulled it out of a cardboard box with huge welding gloves on. The bird was screeching as it was put into the big gold cage hanging from the ceiling.My parents split and the bird, Nicchi went with my Father. So through the years I have been in many pet stores and alway go over and check out the birds. A good friend of mine and his wife had a couple of Grays that i used to like playing with over the years. Having a pretty costly hobby already the cost of a Parrot never came to be.
My mother informed me one day that she was going to be getting a Parrot. Mom told me that a womans husband had died and she didn’t want to keep the bird. My mom just happened to be the first person to be inline for the Yellow Naped Amazon. I don’t know who was more excited, me or my mother? So I made sure I was at moms house the minute she brought the bird home. I had to put the cage together, with no instructions either. So the bird who’s name is Bill was sitting in a cat carrier waiting for his home to be built. The second it went in its cage it was looking at me. I put my finger on the cage like I used to do 30 years earlier and Bill came over and put the feathers up on its head and let me pet him. So I was at my moms house a lot more than I normally was. Bill was really cool, and he seemed to really like me. After about a week my mother talked to my wife about my mother giving me Bill. So when Nichole told me my mother was having a hard time with Bill and wanted me to have him I was so excited! So as soon as my son got off the school bus it was over to moms house in my van to bring my new buddy home. I turned the cage sideways and put Bill and his home in my van. It was a really warm day so we put the windows down and enjoyed watching Bill enjoy the breeze. At home it was so nice how good his big condo of a cage fit in our house. Nichole while not working at the time went ahead and really set Bill up. My story so far is such a good one, and it still is but here is where the bumps start to show up. Bill is not very nice to Nichole. He has bit her a couple times really hard. I too have been on the recieving end of that deadly mouth. Nichole after getting bit for no reason at all has almost all but given up on trying to do anything around Bill for fear of getting bit. I too have gotten a bit nervous having Bill on my shoulder, even after having him sitting on me a whole bunch of times. I believe that he bit me for reasons that could have been avoided if i would of used my head a little bit more. Bill was on my shoulder and my mother was visiting. As I walked past her she reached for Bill and he got scared and jumped causing himself to lose his footing and he just tried to hold on using his beak on my neck. Man did that hurt, and it scared the crap out of me. The other time Bill bit me he was just chilling out on my neck like he liked to do. I ‘m pretty sure he really liked it cause he would get real excited to do it. He would even climb down the outside of his cage and stretch pretty far to get on the couch to walk all the way to the other side of the sectional to just hang out on my shoulder. Having Bill on my shoulder was such a cool thing to have happen. The noises he makes while nesting on my shoulder i can tell that he is happy. Bill also rubs his head on my ear and plays with my hair. I didn’t even get nervous when he would nibble on my ear. So one time I moved my head around kind of quickly to rub his head with my ear. Well it didn;t work out as well as I thought, it made Bill upset and he bit my ear so hard his beak went through my ear and made it bleed a lot. I tried to not flip out but i couldn’t get him off me fast enough. I have had him back up a couple times now, but I’m not to sure about it now. It hasn’t made me not want him, but it made me realize that I need some help from some people that know what is what with these birds. I know I’m pretty lucky with my bird after reading some of the stories on here. I can put my hands anywhere in and on his cage. I can hand feed him anything. Arm, shoulder or stick I can have Bill get up anytime with no problem. Its getting him off my shoulder I have trouble with. The last two night Bill is going into his cage by himself for Night Night. I love opening up his cage in the morning and letting him out. He gets so happy and makes really cool sounds. I guess I’ll wrap this up and go over to the other sections to start asking some of the questions that I have. I just want to say thanks for reading all this if you did, and thanks before we even start out. I’m hoping that I can make Bill more happy with his human. Thanks and see you around, Mike D.

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Welcome!!You and Bill are in the right place and we’re so glad you’re here.

First things first: you are correct to say you have it good. Bill chose you and it’s great that your mom realizes it. But you should still go visit her a lot. She’s your mother after all. [emoji6]

Second: head over to the Amazon forum and read the I Love Amazons thread. In fact, sit next to Bill and read it aloud to him. That thread is an amazing resource and will be a great help to you.

Third: read this thread too. Very helpful.

Next: shoulders are a privilege. Bill hasn’t earned it yet. Keep him off until the two of you have figured each other out and biting isn’t going to be a problem (I love that you know most of them could have been avoided-you already know the most important thing, which is it’s never the fault of the parrot).

Finally: we love pictures. Please post some!

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Welcome Mike and Bill!

Inger just hit all of the high spots; I'd also recommend reading the first "sticky" threads in the Amazon forum.

Life with an Amazon is an evolution and sometimes two steps forward, one step back. You seem committed and open to suggestion!
Hi Mike,

great you have found us!

For a new bird you guys are all doing pretty good!
Stick to the sticky's first -> you are in luck SO many amazone-wise people here!
(I am not one of them, just wanted to say "hi"and "congrats on getting a bird")

So, sit down, grab a chair and get comfy here! :)

(oh better grab that chair first ...)
Thank you for the welcome. I'm glad I found this place already, I have learned a bunch of stuff already. Its going to take a bit to find my way around. There is the first page with info, and then there is the Amazon section too. I will be busy for awhile reading as much as I can, so I can make Bill happier then he already is. I think I know at least when to and not to mess with him. I need to learn about toy's, cleaning and giving him a bath? I feel pretty lucky to be able to tap the brains of you guys who have already been there and done that. I just have to make sure I use the sections right. Thanks again, looking forward to settling in here and learning all I can, and maybe have some fun too!
Welcome to you and Bill!! He chose you as his person for sure! It is wonderful when you are choosen, I think it makes for a special bond. Has Bill been DNA tested to be a male? How long have you had him? My quaker rescue really we t through s period of biting my neck, it lookedije I had hickies all over! Ugh! But she (not confirmed yet by DNA) is much smaller abd the bites much less than what you are going through! We've worked it out though in the couple of months I've had her, it was definitely fear on her part. My GCC Ta-dah bit through the cartilage in my ear!! Man oh man did that hurt and she is tiny, she did this over jellousy of my cell phone. I can not talk on the cell phone with her on my shoulder or near me. She tells the phone No and bites it or tells me No and bites me, message received little Ta-dah no phones when it your time! I hope you keep learning about each other and get past most bites! Some bites will still happen from time to time. As for your wife the rival she will have to be the one that gives the most special treats only. You can put a big casserole dish down with water for a bath, and see if he likes spritzer baths. So glad you joined us! Yes pictures please?
I grew up with my father's YNA. YNAs are some really funny but some of the hardest to befriend. Please for BOTH your sakes visit the Amazon forum. No doubt it's innocent biting now, but it can easily become a habit. When my parents got too old to care for him properly, Lettie (Yes, Lettie was male.) came to live with me. The biting began.

My father was the only one he didn't bite. So now's the time to act! There are multiple ways to deal with biting and not only are YNAs some of the longest living, they're considered as part of "the Hot Three." Now's the time to start working on that or you'll learn what bites are! Please, visit the Amazon Forum and ask LOTS of questions!
Thanks again. Bill is a male, and he is 25 years old, and I have only had Bill for a month. I'm off work now for the last 2 weeks with broken ribs and have truly enjoyed all this time with Bill. I have till Nov. till I go back and I plan on using all this time of healing to hang with bill. I have a German Shepherd too, and bill and Buddy get along very good! If there was a microphone in my house people would think that I was crazy for how much I talk to the dog and bird. Tomorrow I'm going to cut some new perches for Bill. I'm going to get some that are much bigger round for him. I'm getting him a rope too. I was told the only thing hanging in his cage before I got him was a bell. He sure does like to climb on it and make noise. I think I will see if he wants some more toys hanging to play with.

I'm so glad you and Bill found us!!!
Welcome to you both!
This is a pretty active place, threads move to another page fast. I'm starting to find my way around, and I'm learning a bunch of info. I'm trying to find answers to my questions before I ask a question for a second or third time.

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