Big Scare


New member
Feb 18, 2014
Roseburg, Oregon
Merlin scared the crap out of me this morning! We were about to leave for church and he starts screaming! I ran over and he is flailing around so I hold him still and realize he got one of the clips from his toy unscrewed and has it hooked under his chin!!! Obviously its hooked to the cage too! Everywhere I tried to turn it to unhook it was hurting him. I could not figure it out and it was still clipped to his cage too! I called my vetvtech friend and she drove over. I just held him still and pet his head trying to calm him down. He started flailing again and he unhooked himself! Broke several blood feathers and his chin was obviously bleeding. We got all the blood to stop thankfully! His poor chin is soooooo swollen and bruised and he's pretty painful. He was in shock for a while. I held him and letter him while we checked him over more. Then I put him in his hammock and he slept most of the day and was all ruffled. He seems OK thankfully. I texted my vet to see if there is anything else I should do but man!!!! That was really scary!!!! My poor baby! I felt like I was freaking out because my adrenaline was so high but my hubby said I seemed pretty calm. I think I was in shock after because my husband told me I did a bunch of stuff after that I dont remember! Haha. Anyone else have any bad experiences with their birds getting themselves into trouble?
Poor Merlin, that must've been very traumatic for him:(. It must've been equally traumatic for you to see him in that kind of distress. I hope he recovered quickly from this! I find plastic baby toy links work much better (and are much safer) than the metal screw on ones that come on parrot toys.
That must have been so terrifying for you both! I hope Merlin heals quickly, poor little guy:(
Thank goodness you were home to help him.

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