Big Mistake


New member
Jun 25, 2007
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Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
Argh, I could just shoot myself. :(

I thought it would be fun to have popcorn tonight; so, popped up a batch and Mojo flipped and Cecil whooped over the idea. I thought Timothy would perk up to the idea too ... but :( as I placed two little pieces into his treat cup, he shimmied quickly away and has clung to the side of his cage, catatonically for nearly an hour. *sigh*

What I thought would be a special "treat" turned out to be an "intruder" in his cage. :eek:

His levels of distrust and fear are simply unimaginable.

Again ... I could just shoot myself! :(
Come on you shouldn't feel like that!Imagine if Timothy didn't have you as an owner..I think we all make small mistakes with our fids(atleast I do for sure :( ) and I feel very bad afterwards but since they are not handraised they are more unpredictable some times.I'm sure Timothy has already forgiven you!;)
Deanna, please don't beat yourself up over this. There are gonna be many things you put in his cage that he will freak out over, all you can do is remove them once you see how he feels. When I used to put fruit and veggies in with Errol and Flynnie, they would nearly have a fit :( Gradually they would just sit and stare at them and me, as if I were trying to poison them, now I hardly get the dishes hung up before they are there and eating everything in there. :D What I'm saying is just keep trying these things he will realise that what you are giving him is good stuff and not gonna hurt him, It is heartbreaking to see tho. Good luck to ya, keep us informed of how he is coming along.

I gave my lot popcorn once and they hated it, Bucc only found it good to shoot at me as I walked past. :D
Bucc only found it good to shoot at me as I walked past.


so glad my baby hasnt figured that out yet.

Deana, sounds like you should of name him Courage ;)
Yeah deff dont beat your self up over it, he may always be like this or maybe he will relax a little one day. Its just his personality.
I have to ask, were you eatting the popcorn before you gave him some? I know Cricket wont eat it 40% of the time unless she thinks she is getting my food, so i usually wait until those beady little eyes of her can't watch anything else but what I am eating, and man if I let her I bet she could eat my whole dinner LOL
Deana, sounds like you should of name him Courage ;)
Yeah deff dont beat your self up over it, he may always be like this or maybe he will relax a little one day. Its just his personality.
I have to ask, were you eatting the popcorn before you gave him some? I know Cricket wont eat it 40% of the time unless she thinks she is getting my food, so i usually wait until those beady little eyes of her can't watch anything else but what I am eating, and man if I let her I bet she could eat my whole dinner LOL

"Courage" sounds about right! lol ... You may be right, it may just be his personality ... Nervous Nellie!

You make an excellent question ... I actually do not know if Timothy was directly watching me eat or if his fear had him otherwise preoccupied. I know Mojo saw me stuffing popcorn in my mouth--but, Mojo watches every move I make and if I'm eating something, he WANTS it and he wants it NOW! lol ... But, for Timothy, I need to make sure that I have his undivided attention to make sure he knows that popcorn (or anything else) is a "safe" treat ... something to eat, not be afraid of.

Thank you ... ... hmm, hoping I don't have to start eating birdy treats to show him that they are ok -- I've heard of people doing that, but, not so sure I'm up for that :D lol
LOL, yeah yummy... I usually pretend to eat them, and say "mmm, yummy" every time.... now when she see me eating and wants some (or just desides its the word of the day) she will say "yummy" or snort like a pig, which I think is uncalled for :rolleyes:
And whats wrong with Birdy treats I ask. :o Yes I am that nutter. Trouble is all the time I've muched on them Bucc still WONT eat them, but I've become addicted. :eek:
awww same thing you told me about the incident yesterday - you live you learn I'm sure he will come around
Yep we learn all the time with our fids.
THANKS guys (gals) ... ((((((group hug))))) :D
Hey girl ur doin great..
There are people out there just as damaged.ur lil guy is getting the best of the best. Lets face it they are so sensitive. Rox freaked the other day and it took me ages to see it was my baseball cap that I had left on...:rolleyes:
When she came to me after hat removal I felt her wee heart bursting out her chest...cant believe anything can beat that fast.
But fight or flight ... be wary of anything new and threatening. Thats survival for our lil guys, millions of years of programming ...add a bad egg experience.. there we have recipe for neurosis.
Love him as he is.

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