Beware of Happy Huts


New member
Feb 19, 2012
Congo African Grey - Gabe
Sulfur Crested Cockatoo - Suki
Just wanted to let some of you know that you really should stay away from them as well as similar products by different names. Today my family and I woke up to horrible sight. Our sun conure Cosmo passed away while we were sleeping. Like most parrots he liked to shred things in his cage which is all good and fine but unfortunately his shredding of his "bed" ended up being his downfall. Some time while we were sleeping he managed to get a few strands wrapped around his neck and probably after an hour or two of struggling ended up dying from lack of oxygen. Nobody here saw it coming though we should have. The fibers the bed is made out of are tough.. it takes a lot of work for a small bird to claw and bite their way through it and he was unable to free himself from it. I highly recommend staying away from them as much as possible. I'd hate to see anyone else's loved one get hurt or die as a result of it.

R.I.P. Cosmo... we love you. :orange:
oh my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the warning about the huts. I would have never thought that could happen.
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I just wish I did some more research on them. After the fact I've been seeing hundreds upon hundreds of people reporting that frayed happy huts or snuggies or what have you, have been the cause of bird deaths due to strangling. My only hope is that the message can get out more that while they seem to be cute and comfortable.. they really can be an extremely dangerous item to have in your bird's cage.
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Oh I am so sorry!:( Thank you for warning us
I am very sorry to hear the passing of Cosmo! Thanks again for informing us!!!
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I am very sorry to hear the passing of Cosmo! Thanks again for informing us!!!

TY as well.. going to see about trying to get petco and petsmart to remove them from their inventory. Not sure if I'd be successful or not but it's worth a try.
I am very sorry to hear the passing of Cosmo! Thanks again for informing us!!!

TY as well.. going to see about trying to get petco and petsmart to remove them from their inventory. Not sure if I'd be successful or not but it's worth a try.

Find out which company made your happy hut and call them directly. I had to do that in the past and they removed them off the shelf.
I am sorry & i have also found my sun conure hanging by the neck but i was so lucky i found her in time. Needless to say i never buy happy huts but you can however buy a little timber nestbox for your conures to sleep in at night. A lot stronger. I don't know why but all of my counre's sleep in their nest box at night. So instead of happy huts i give my very young conure's a box as well.

To be on the safe side no parrot toy should go unchecked from time to time to make sure busy little beaks haven't done some sort of damage & anything that is worn or frayed it's best to throw out.
I did the same thing Pedro, I place nest box up for my conures to sleep in years ago and that's where they sleep in every night when lights goes out. And I thought I was the only one who did
What a sad story... RIP little bird...

I have never liked or used happy huts for my birds, as I think they are un-natural... Shrek has one, when I got him, but it smelled really bad, and I threw it out... He never complained...
I am very sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how much you're hurting right now. Thank you for giving everyone here a warning.
I, too, am very sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you and your family.

My conure can be quite the fabric and rope shredder. I have to check any types of toys like that a lot and cut off long strands. I did throw away her braided rope swing a few months ago because she was pulling off long strands pretty much daily.
Heartbreaking story. I do have a HH in my conure's cage. I have a habit of checking toys and accessories every day as I clean the cages. Any rope toys or perches get replaced if frayed. Cricket does not actually use the HH very much. He prefers to shed newspaper.
Sorry again for your tragic loss.
I am so very sorry. What a horrible thing to wake up to. My thoughts are with you and your family today.
Oh no ! I'm so sorry for your loss...thank you for warning us.
Fly free Cosmo
I am so sorry for your loss. We removed our happy hut just days after purchasing it. Little jax got his foot wrapped around the treads. I am so thankful it was during the day and we were able to remove it from his leg.
Thank you for posting as apparently it is a common issue!
So sorry for you loss. This is not a new thing for Huts, and for that matter ANY toy that has any long strings hanging, which is quite common in bird toys.

Maxx , my GCC,has 2 Happy Huts, one in his inside and one in his outside cage and loves them. He uses it every day to take a few naps, and sleeps in it every night. I have never seen him chew it or do anything other than sleep in it. I DO check it once a week for loose threads, and have done so every week for the past year, and have yet to see any loose threads. This is not a new thing, they have always been a concern for certain birds who like to chew and rip things up. Maxx loves to destroy. I have tons of wood, and foraging toys for that reason. His hut is his place to nap and sleep, not to play with.

Again, so sorry for your loss.

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