Beth and pineapple gcc Lego


New member
Jul 31, 2013
Hello my name is Beth and I'm a proud new owner of a 12week old pineapple gcc I named Lego. He is already so loving and for me it was love at first sight. I can't wait to see him come into his personality and have many many years of friendship. :)
Welcome to the forum Beth & Lego. :)

Many congrats on your new family addition, and what a cute name you picked out! :D
Welcome Beth! I LOVE that name...I'll confess that I'm 34 and still a big fan of Legos. Anyway, I'm sure you'll enjoy the group. There's lots of great people here, and it's an incredible resource.
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My kids and I love legos :) we do them as a family so the name was a perfect fit :) thank you for the welcomes :) I'm still being patient with lego hoping to earn his trust. He wants my attention when I walk away from the cage but the second my hand is anywhere near him he bites me. I don't say ouch or pull away I just leave my hand there to show him its not a threat. I've tried treats ect. I'm hoping soon he will know he can trust me.I can't even get him out of his cage to play on all the great play gyms I got him. He loves playing with all his toys in his cage and is a great eater and loves to be goofy until my hand is near him.but I'm patient soft spoken and can't wait for the day he bonds with me.
Hey Beth!....from one Beth to another~~ welcome!

you are going to love your pineapple, they are the sweetest conures!
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Update from 2 hours climbed out of his cage walked over to me by the couch did the cute wing tilt climbed up my pants and has been cuddling and rubbing against me no biting or flinching I'm so in love :) that was 20 mins ago. I'm so happy he chose me on his own :)

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