Best way to clean a cage


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)
What's the best way to clean your bird's cage? Puck's poop is very difficult to remove once it's dried! I even got a big bottle of Poop Off, but to be honest, it doesn't seem much better for cage cleaning than plain water (I think it's better for fabrics though, maybe).

It doesn't help anything that I got really sick with a viral infection, so I haven't been cleaning it as often as normal (same goes for the rest of the apartment). Puck doesn't seem to care, but I do! I feel like a bad mommy!

There was a post a while back about steam cleaners, but I'm broke from missing work due to the illness (and a pricey doctor visit), so I probably won't be able to afford one for a while longer. I'm starting to feel better, finally, thank goodness, but I still don't have a lot of energy.
Sorry to hear that you are sick but glad that it seem to be better now. Regarding cleaning. I use plain water and yes it thakes time. I have read abou steam cleaner and it seems to be really effective.
i use hot water :) let it soak in HOT water for a few minutes, scrub with a sponge, and it comes of pretty easy :)
I normally use hot water and this "tool" .. it makes it easier for me to clean their dry poop...


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I just make Rosie clean her own cage. (I wish). I use a mixture of water, vinegar and GSE. For any hardened poops I use Aviclean and it does the job.
I use oxiclean, just spray on & let it soak. It seems to break the poop down making it easier to get off.
I mix up gse and water, spray on the grate every morning while the birds are out playing and then use a scrub brush. It usually comes right off. Once a week I take out the grate scrub both sides, hose off. Then go over the whole cage inside. I think that gse is great, non-toxic and really gets the poop off! I threw out a steam cleaner a couple of years ago, now I just bought a java tree and I wish I had it. If anyone has any help for cleaning that I would appreciate it! I am thinking of buying a cheap steamer and using it. Do you think it would work?
Aww, so sorry you have been feeling so sick. Yuck.
I see I am not the only one that using a scraper....I scrape the dry stuff off then spray the rest with hot water and let it soak a few minutes and it comes right off..good luck and get feeling better.
I clean perches and toys with a steamer and use a vineagar/water solution on paper towels to wipe the cage grate and everything else down.

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