Best Treats for Eclectus?


New member
Jul 26, 2013
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South Australia
1 male Cockatiel
Hello ^^

So I recently purchased a proven breeding pair of Eccies.

I'm curious as to what a really good 'treat' would be.. Since they get all sorts of Fruit, Veggies etc. They ahve been very VERY well behaved the past couple of days, and I'd like to give them some treats for their good behaviour, however I'm not entirely sure of what an amazing treat would be for them. Ideas?

My ekkies love cinnamon sticks as treats. They go nuts for em. Also frozen peas.
Ahh I completely forgot about cinnamon sticks! Thank you :) Anyone else have any ideas?
I don't have eclectus, but both Rosie and kenji love Banana's, almonds, noodles, and frozen fruit juice cubes.
I feed them all kinds of stuffs so it's hard to use one as know mine goes crazy for pomegranate. I buy them every week when they're in season.
Also they used to love figs from our fig tree outside.

Fresh Mango and of Course Chicken Bones! they love to crack the bones and eat the marrow.

Hope this helps!

Ahh I completely forgot about cinnamon sticks! Thank you :) Anyone else have any ideas?
Also they used to love figs from our fig tree outside.

Fresh Mango and of Course Chicken Bones! they love to crack the bones and eat the marrow.

Hope this helps!

Ahh I completely forgot about cinnamon sticks! Thank you :) Anyone else have any ideas?

Yeah, mine does the same with the chicken bones. But minimize the protein intake. Mine also LOVES cheese. That booger can hear the wrapper being pulled back on a bar of cheese and come running through the house to the kitchen and then stand at my feet looking up at me as if saying, what about me.:D
I hang a small cob of corn from the top of Oliver's cage and he goes crazy picking off every single kernel.
Take a pinecone and put just a smear of hazelnut butter in the middle around the stem then hang it in the cage and RUN!!!!!!!

It will lose it's mind on that one!!!:D:D
Chico loves plain pine cones. I will have to check into this hazelnut butter.

Oh, sort of like peanut butter. Is it more health? and how long can you keep it out before disposing?
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