Best thing to give them as treat?


New member
Sep 22, 2012
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Dunlap, Tn
Two lovebirds
I've been leaving Keywe and Kico treats when I leave them after sitting with them. but so far they are not liking anything I give them. I've tried apple, banana, raisin and cherrios.. they just roll it in the seeds or throw it to the ground.. what else should I try?
veggies, grapes, greens, pine nuts, millet, pineapple, beans, sprouts, whole grain pasta, popcorn(plain), peppers, really anything! (except chocolate, avocado, caffeine products and junk food, however I will admit Remington's favorite food is pizza!)
Thank you! Tonight I tried pumpkin, sweet potato, and cucumber. I will try what you recommended as well:green:! (:
Basil likes his green veggies but they are not treat-worthy. He is on a diet of Harrison's pellets. Treats are millet balls and tiny bits of broken up sunflower seeds (these are for training only because they are sooo delicious).
How old is your bird? if he/she is just weened they may not see what your giving them as food. sometimes you have to have a special meal with them so they see you eating it then when they show interest (make a big show of eating and enjoying the treats) offer small bite size pieces for them.

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