Best setup for Heat


New member
Nov 19, 2015
I need HELP! I recently adopted a macaw and i am still in the adjusting phase. Im having issues with heating. I found a solution for heating inside the cage which would be a THERMAL perch but i need help with how to heat the outside of the cage. It sounds silly but my cage has a playtop and the house in general gets kinda chilly. I'm looking for a solution such as a floor lamp but i am opened to ANY suggestions. I really dont want to get a room heated because there are small kids in the house and i have dog. I need ideas! I dont want my bird to be uncomfortable andd i dont want her to be stuck in her cage all day. PLEASE HELP!!! HELP:blue1::blue1::blue1:
I know you said you didn't want a room heater, but the oil type room heaters are pretty safe (compared to other types)...its what I use with child and dogs present with no issues.
First of all, Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on your newest addition.

What is the temperature in your house? The general rule is, if you are comfortable, so is your bird/s. If the temperature is warm enough for small children it should also be fine for your Macaw.

A friendly word of caution, if you do use a thermal perch, please be extremely careful, a Macaw's beak can chew through an electrical cord before you can blink. Macaw's are capable of taking things apart, redesigning their cages and chewing into anything that gets in their way, a cord on a thermal perch is likely to be viewed as a new chew toy.

Enjoy your new adventure and share the journey.
I know you said you didn't want a room heater, but the oil type room heaters are pretty safe (compared to other types)...its what I use with child and dogs present with no issues.

That is what I use, rest of the house I let get cold (does not bother me), but the bird room has its own oil heater.
I know you said you didn't want a room heater, but the oil type room heaters are pretty safe (compared to other types)...its what I use with child and dogs present with no issues.

That is what I use, rest of the house I let get cold (does not bother me), but the bird room has its own oil heater.

Yes, same here. They are great, silent and give off a very constant heat.

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