Best description ever!!


New member
Mar 28, 2012
King George, VA
"Sparky" the Blue and gold macaw, "Jax" Red fronted macaw, and "Little Bird" peach faced lovebird
"Having a parrot is exactly like having a toddler with an anger management problem and a can opener on its face. Exactly like that." Lizardsmells

I laughed out loud then had to pause to consider how true that is......How crazy are we? lol I got bit today too, for the first time by Sparky; I was introducing my stepson to her, and i stopped paying attention for a minute. BAM! Too much going on and I payed for it. Such is life with a can opener. :09:
OMG !!! That is so funny ! I can relate to the can opener part, lol.
Earlier today I watched my Hyacinth crack off a piece of her Java tree like it was a twig ! :eek: :54: :p
its so true lol, they also have megaphones with that can opener :D

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