Bella and things I have noticed


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I have a sensitive nose and I have noticed she has an unusual scent.
It most reminds me of hot butter just before you pour it on popcorn.
Makes noises that would fool anyone (I expected this) but has a very wide frequency range. From ear piercing freq. to low growling noises. And the volume is up there to. So far I would have to say my amazons can scream louder but it could be Bella has not put her heart er Lungs into it yet.
Only one word “Hello” but I thought she said or tried to say something else I did not catch..

Bella is eating the pellets (Zupreem) along with one handful of seeds mixed in. Banana, grapes potato and the chop I make for the cockatiels (grated apple and carrot with a little bit of cheese). Going to introduce a few more fresh foods this week.
Still very friendly despite force feeding her medicine. Contact calls me (flag pole noise or whistle) when I go into the kitchen. When sitting with her this am she was trying to burrow underneath my legs. No other parrot I have does this. Nesting behavior?
Still over preening :(
When riding my shoulder this evening she leaned/rested her head against my cheek. That was the sweetest thing a parrot has ever done. :cool:
I have not been able to give her a bath/shower. It could be her previous owner used water as a punishment. Will try a bowl of water soon.
That’s all for now.
Happy Halloween for all parronts and Fids tomorrow.
sounds like she is fitting right in Tex..and is a happy birdie.

She's going to be awesome.

I hope with time the plucking/over preening ends.

My grey loves to cuddle to my cheek and when he wants me to focus only on him, sets his beak right on my cheek and looks straight into my eyes. Such a love.

They are real characters and they love to dig and burrow.
I think you have an incredibly adaptable friend for life!! Seems a case of mutual choice!

Her scent is unusual for a Grey; usually a pungent aroma somewhat similar to that of a macaw. Would be an interesting question for the vet during the re-check - possibly the result of a metabolic issue?
Interesting my Perjo smells soft, if that's even possible, a soft dander baby power smell almost.
Today marks one week we have had Bella in our house and in our live.
Last night she said my son's name very clearly (Michael).
Says "How are you".
She imitates the Beep...Beep...Beep of the microwave when it's done cocking.
She imitates some of the sounds my YNA Bingo makes.
I am trying not to get to um well to read to much into it but I think her grooming is decreasing. Am keeping my fingers crossed.
Bella only been with you a week Wes,and look how far she has come. It can take years for any bird to come so far.

Obviously,you are the chosen "one".. How is she doing with others in your family? Have you introduced her to any of your flock,or is she still in quarantine?
Yes I recall with Smokes,the huge vocal range she exhibited. From a very sharp "WOO" that would make you cringe in pain to a low "growwllllll" when she wasn't happy. An ear piercing "chirp" she did,just to aggravate me.

I remember her first night Mom would roll her house into the spare bedroom and cover her up,and in the morning,would go back in,uncover her,and say " how are you?" to her. One morning Smokey beat mom to the punch,as soon as she was uncovered,a very clear and loud "HOW ARE YOU?" cam forth from her beaky,and from there,it seemed like every other day,she was saying/learning new words/phrases.

You are just beginning on an awesome life with Bella,Wes :D Enjoy every single moment with WILL be amazed!

She gets along with all my people family.
My son can taker her out and put her back in the cage. She is happy to sit on his knee when he plays video games.
My wife is more stand-off-ish. Bella is not aggressive but my wife is chicken (due to seeing the results of my mistakes with Bingo).

Still keeping separate from my other birds although they have all seen her.
Pacho & Plumas don't care. Bingo is jealous and the cockatiels a bit nervous.

Only trouble I have with her is taking her off my shoulder. She growls and will try to bite me then. Her beak is as sharp as a pair of scissors.
What works best is to have someone else taker her from me or have her step up onto her cage.
I think about her all the time. Kind of like being in love for the first time. She is the first thing I think of waking up and the last thing going to sleep.
I guess I got it bad.
Sounds like Bella is feeling right at home with you already. :) Like Bella and the microwave, Scooter the CAG I adopted in April is a big fan of anything that beeps. The microwave oven, the toaster oven, the cordless phone, the remote control for the air conditioner-- they all have different beeps and Scooter does them all perfectly. :D

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