Behavioral Issues..?


New member
Jul 11, 2017
My boyfriend and I have had our Quaker, Gadget, since August. He came to us when he was two months old. Lately, he only wants to be handled by my boyfriend. If Gadget is by my boyfriend, he will be aggressive towards me if I come close to him. When I'm by myself and attempt to get him out of his cage, he fluffs up (the bad kind of fluffy) and tries to bite me. If I leave the cage open so he can fly around, he comes by me and will step up. Today however, I put him on my shoulder (normal thing for him) and he started breathing weird then attacked my face and neck.. He's never been aggressive towards me when my boyfriend was not home before. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice as to stop the biting and aggressive behavior.
Hello, and welcome!
There sre many experts here, and I expect they'll be along.
Meanwhile, I recommend using the SEARCH tab above to look for key words... bonding, aggression, quakers... etc.
Lots of great reading!
Whatever you do, don't take my advice. I have raised a fearless, flighted little feathered Genghis Khan. My little love!
sounds like hormones to me and your boyfriend is the mate, meaning you're a rival leading to grumpy bitey bird.

make sure they get 12 hours minimum dark sleep time, lots of exercise to tucker them out and cut back on the high energy foods. Hopefully should pass in a couple weeks

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