New member
hey guys i got Beanie today . when i went to get her form the breeder after 3 hours lol she bit me and didnt like me much and wouldnt come to me but i didnt let it discourage me lol. i spent the whole day with her from 12pm-830pm lol . she now likes being on me ,comes to me if i call her once i leave the room and come back, steps up for me,sleeps on me,and she even gave me a kiss i think lol(ive been working on kissing her beak, im hoping she will eventully do it on her own and make a kiss noise lol) . it was really cute wen she made thi click noise so i said "good girl Beanie" and as she fell asleep she made all these lil noises lol. then maybe someone can help me with this part i was petting her eck and she turned her head to the side and was totally loving it and had her eyes closed and everything then while all this was going on she opened her mouth and ive read about birds on here regurgitating to show affection but she didnt she did her lil mouth thing then stopped but besides that unkonow act it was a great day =) and i love her sooo much already =)