Beaker smells bad


New member
Dec 27, 2012
Beaker: Cape Parrot
Hello, I was eating sardines the other day, and Beaker jumped right on the plate and splashed sardine oil all over his belly.

Well I rinsed him off in the bath tub, but it's been almost a week and I still smell it. The smell is not getting less and less. It's the same strength every time I smell him.

Is there any shampoo or something that I can use on him?
try bathing him with tomato's used for skunk odor, so might work. Any actual shampoos I have ever seen have been for dogs and cats, so don't know how safe they would be for birds.
They use Dawn dishwashing liquid to clean oil from wild birds, but you have to rinse a bird really well or any residue will cause it to don't want to use any shampoo because it will dry out a bird's skin & may have ingredients harmful to your feathered friend.....

Good luck.....
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Ok thanks. I'll try both
This happened to Boomer once when he was learning to fly. He landed in the middle of a bowl of sisig (this is minced pork fried in a generous amount of garlic, onions and vinegar among other things).

Needless to say, he smelled like sisig even after 2 showers. The smell went away on the 3rd or 4th day. No need to use anything else, just water. I promise you that the smell will go away and he will again smell like the lovely parrot that he is!
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Weco is right you can use Dawn on birds if the smell is driving you nuts, otherwise just water and time.
Boomboom, Fishy odours tend to NOT go away...I know because I had a dog many years ago who loved to roll in anything fishy, and if anything, the smell gets worse with time! :26:
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Yeah the fishy odor was really bad. But I chose to just do water. It took like 6 showers but it's finally gone! Thanks for your tips though!!!

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