Beak Rubs Anyone?


New member
May 5, 2012
North Carolina
Senegal Male Bogart
I don't know about yours but my Bogart just loves beak rubs even more than scratches well maybe just as much. It never occured to me that something as simple as putting you thumb and forefinger on either side of their beak and making small circles could put them in a trance, but I've seen Bogart close his eyes and lean into my hand with such bliss on his face it's almost sinful.I've also noticed that most birds like beak rubs to one extent or another Half to ask a vet or someone who knows more about the physiollogy of the beak to explain it.

P.S. This sight needs spell check @$#%#$#@%&#
Sidney spent much of his early life with little contact from people. From what I understand of his history he spent all day outside in his cage and was only brought in at night or cold weather. Did not get too much interaction inside either.

I have been having limited success in getting him to accept head and neck rubs. Beak rubs to him seem to be more of a momentary greeting then he is off to cause trouble somewhere else.
My macaw loves her beak rubs too. She will stay still as long as you will rub! I feel the same about foot massages. :)
My cockatiel Chloe LOVED beak rubs..and now I did it with Purl and she likes it too!!
I know the beak is pretty sensitive, maybe it's akin to a back rub for it?

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