Beak Issue


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
Not sure what is going on with BB's Beak. It almost looks like it peeled off at the end. He is not acting like it hurts. Eating chewing on everything fine. NO blood . Looking over other pictures there was a um line across there so it looks almost like it peeled off. Thought I would check here. I know there beaks peel but is this normal ? Sorry for the ugly pictures but a camera means playtime to him. MUST KILL THE MONSTER



This last picture you can see the line on his beak

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Oh and its only the top part of the beak like it peeled back . Do they shed the top of the beak ?
it looks like hes just shedding his beak. have you tried giving him a perch that is ruff and bumpy so he can scratch his beak? looks like he my have a little trouble getting it off, but it does look weird still. Your best bet would to just go to a bird groomer and have them look at it. best of luck!!
It's normal Christine :). Some birds seem to get it worse than others. With Robin I can hold him and chip it off, but the others I can't, so I don't worry about it. It will grow out, chip off, or wear down naturally as he plays, eats, or rubs it.
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It's normal Christine :). Some birds seem to get it worse than others. With Robin I can hold him and chip it off, but the others I can't, so I don't worry about it. It will grow out, chip off, or wear down naturally as he plays, eats, or rubs it.

God Bless you . You know I freak out over things with him LOL Thanks
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I swear he likes messing with me. After your post I placed him on his playstand so I could clean his cage. That area is already almost smooth from him working it.
Sailor's seems to shed beak layers worse when she's molting/getting pin feathers. Plus we have a chunk of wood in her enclosure for her to chew on because she was chewing new wood toys up in one day and then turning to her perches-so we wanted something in there that would last longer. Hubbs drilled a hole in the end of a partial piece of 2x4 and we hung it from the top of the cage. She gets to chewing that hard and chips up the end of her beak. It always grows back though. I make sure she get extra calcium, that helps.
Looks like normal beak flaking to me, and like the tip will probably chip off a bit too. Some birds seem to get it all at once so their beaks look a bit concerning for a few weeks until they grow out/wear down smooth again.
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Thanks . Yeah I keep something in there for him to chew on . I've had him for a year so somethings are still new to me. He sat with me for about 30 min and let me open Pin feathers and scratch his beak. It has smoothed out so not worried. Boy it freaked me out for awhile lol
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Looks like normal beak flaking to me, and like the tip will probably chip off a bit too. Some birds seem to get it all at once so their beaks look a bit concerning for a few weeks until they grow out/wear down smooth again.

I will be so glad when I realize what is normal and what is not . BUT guess I have you guys until then lol
My youngest (son) freaked me out yesterday late afternoon when he screamed that Niko's beak had a HUGE chip in it. :11: I never knew how fast I could make it down the stairs, but I promise, I developed super human speed after hearing those words.

No, it hadn't chipped, just a big piece of peel on one side of the lower beak. Wanted to slap my young guy for scaring the doo-doo out of me. :54: Niko let me remove the lose layer, and then smoothed it out himself. Phew!!!
Blue's beaks a mess too! It's natural though, although there can be issues where Beaks need to be 'reconstructed' after getting holes in them, it's rare so I wouldn't worry about it too much. I've owned 13 Macaws and all of them have considerably less than perfect beaks but then I have a less than perfect nose, so who am I to judge :)

[ame=""]Blue; Playtime with Daddy! - YouTube[/ame]

God bless

My Sage chipped his beak. Was hoping someone could tell me if this will grow back? Should he be seen immediately? He acts fine. Won’t use a cuttlebone so I have sand perches and a rough perch in an attempt to give him something to sand his beak. Still seems overgrown, which will be taken care of next month but the chip worries me. Any info would be great. I will take him to vet if it’s an emergency but would really like to wait til next month when I have the money to do so.


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