Beak Injury - Help please


New member
Mar 30, 2014
Hey All,

I woke up this morning and noticed my little guy has a beak injury. I have already checked his cage to see if there was anything that could have caused it I think while playing he just got a little too rambunctious.

I have attached a picture and circled in red where it looks like he had injured himself. The first is on the skin part of his beak it looks like he scratched it - there is no bleeding and I have not noticed any blood in his cage.

The second is his beak he has two dips on the upper part of his beak on both sides and it looks like the one side has bent outwards. again there is no blood or anything - I just feel really bad for the guy and want to ensure he is okay.

He is eating, drinking, playing, sleeping, grinding his beak when content, still coming out to say hi, basically everything normally. He still uses his beak to climb and everything as well I should add.

From the picture should I be worried? or is this part of the beak peeling that I have read on as well? any help would be greatly appreciate!

Thanks everyone!


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I can't clearly see the 'beak part' of the injury but from what I can see, I'd say you have reason to be concerned. That injury along with the scratch to the nares, warrants a trip to the avian vet.
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The beak part of the injury is located by the sunflower seed if you look at the sunflower seed you can see a little triangle almost slightly different in colour.
I agree with MomtoPercy, I would take him in to get him checked by an avian vet to be on the safe side.
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Just an update I actually found an avian vet that was open today and I phoned and spoke with him he said as long as he is eating and still acting normal he wouldnt be too worried for how small it is. He said if his mood starts to change and he isnt eating then to bring him in. Otherwise to just bring him in a for a visit within the next month or so - whew!
So glad you were able to reach someone! I will keep him in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery:) Please let us know how he is doing!
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Thanks Everyone! I had a mini heart attack when I saw it this morning - The vet said from the sounds of it it could also be that his beak is just growing in a little weird so we are def taking him later in the month :)

I will Definitely update you all!

Oh by the way his name is Bucky buck! We are going to get him DNA's soon so he may become Bucky Buckette! lol
He looks like a sweetheart:) Love his/her name:)
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Just wanted to update every on bucky! He is doing fine and is playful as ever <3 He may have also gotten a sister lol I will post a picture of both of them on my profile!

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