Beak Crack??


New member
Nov 26, 2013
Clearwater Beach FL
Sun Conure
Not sure how well this can be seen in the photo, but is there such a thing as beak cracking? It looks like a spot is split and is getting ready to fall off. It is the birds right side. Oh how I wish I knew what I was doing!!!


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Hmmm, not sure, but I know that Ekkies continually grow new layers on their beak, kind of like our nails have various layers too. Hope its nothing too serious.

ETA: Oooops, I see its a conure, not an Ekkie. Perhaps the same thing holds true.
That's what I was thinking too. It reminds me of a nail that has a thin layer peeling off.

The beaks do peel and its normal. Just make sure the diet is good and if it is not bothering him I would not be too concerned.

If it is bothering you, take him to the vet for confirmation and a beak trim and polish.
My grey use to have line or a ridge in the middle of his beak when I first adopted him. I got a sandy corner perch and he grooms his own beak and now it's all smooth.
My pineapple has the same thing that seems to come and go, pretty sure it's ok. However if it's a constant thing, as in never healing or going away then i'd take her to a good avian vet just to be on the safe side.
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Thanks everyone. It looks completely fine today. When this guy first came to me I took him to the vet and they did a full work-up beak trim, nails, etc. I did have one of those beak conditioners but he had it shredded in a day. I think I will try some other sizes or brands. I am so new at being an accidental bird owner that I swear I jump to google at least 12 times a day! Phew...
I am so new at being an accidental bird owner that I swear I jump to google at least 12 times a day! Phew...

Sounds about right! This was me the first 6 months of having Boomer. I'm still like this some days!

I could not tell from the picture where the crack was. My sun conure has what looks like uneven chisels from where the new growth of the beak began. It's completely normal. It goes away as the beak grows or as he grooms the beak.

Back to the picture, is it that piece that seems to be protruding outwards? If so, I have not seen this one before.
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It was kind of protruding outward, but really was just a peel. I think I over react a little! Although, being cautious this early on is perhaps a good thing! :) BoomBoom did you get your conure as a baby? I think I'm making some progress with this little guy, we are going to start clicker training as soon as our latest bird amazon order shows up!
BeachFind, my Quakers beak sometimes peels. I've heard good things about concrete perches for them to groom their beak on but I haven't been to a pet store that has any yet. So for now I take a human nail file and smooth out her beak. She doesn't like it but she tolerates it quite well. :)
The same thing happened to my bird. His beak actually fell off. I hand fed him for about a week and one day his beak had just appeared!!!

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