Bathtime Blues


New member
Aug 24, 2012
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Peach faced lovebird Basil
Basil doesn't like bathing. I used to spritz him everyday (plain water) with a plant mister until I caught him trying to have a bath in his water dish. So I bought him a proper bird bath. He's used it for bathing a couple of times (makes a huge splashy mess) but mostly he just drinks out of it. So now I'm worried that he's not bathing enough and I should be spritzing him again. He doesn't particularly like it...he backs up and isn't overly cooperative about turning around. But I don't want him to have any feather or skin problems due to bad personal hygiene! We are heading into winter and with the furnace running it will become very dry in the house. We've only had Basil since May (he's about 1 1/2) so this will be our first winter together.


Andrea and Basil
I have never seen mine take a full bath either. I have a tupperware with about 1/2 in water outside their cage. The would never get in and bathed. They would bobble their head in it, drink some and spread water to their upper body. Usually only their head and maybe 1/3 of the top of their body is washed by them doing it this way.

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