Bath time mystery


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Everett area
Peanut the Jenday Conure,
RIP Max the Green Cheek Conure,
(unknown name) African Grey-arriving soon
Our Jenday Conure, Peanut, has started refusing taking a bath in his usual white bathing dish and now will only take a bath in his small drinking dish. I don't really have a problem with it, except for he can only get his head and legs wet. Wondering why he suddenly refuses his bathing dish and chooses his drinking dish instead?

The only thing I can think of is that after he bathed in his bathing dish, he climbed up the side of his cage and lost his grip and fell into the dish one day about a month ago and hasnt wanted to bathe in it since. We still offer the bathing dish everyday, but he still goes for the drinking dish.
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Nevermind, Peanut made a liar out of me. Not even 5 minutes after posting he jumped into his usual bathing dish and soaked himself and then screamed his head off trying to let all the birds in the jungle know he found water :)
LOL.. He obviously fancied a change and then decided it was not as much fun as his usual dish:)

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