base play stand


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Birdie (BFA), Cloud (Lovebird)

ornate style base play stand

okay so it isn't really a 'cage' but couldn't think of anywhere else to post this.
i have a few stands i use for klaus but they all have their downsides. i've seen
similar stands to this around, but they are all huge and are of cheap quality,
and since i don't have much space for something like an O playstand, i decided
i'd go with this. i came across it at this new legit petstore and was wondering
if it's any good.

i like how the dish covers a wide area under the perch so i wouldn't have to
worry much about accidents like with my current stands. what do you guys
recommend i do about keeping it clean. should i cover it with paper or just
let klaus do his thing on it and then clean it up afterwards with a wet towel or
something? also, i don't want him to get bored just perching on it with nothing
else to do, so any recommendations on how to make it more fun?
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still waiting on advice! ;[

also i wanted to add that i guess it's possible to let him play around on the dish too (including a ladder down from the perch maybe) but i don't like having him play on a metal surface like that coz it gets cold on his feet. i could try putting a towel but i prefer newspapers. that would just get his feet to turn black, lol.

also, i like the idea of just filling the dish with shredded wood but won't he just keep flapping it all off and all over the room? how could i deal with that?
Well that stand is meant to be more of a training stand, for when you are trainng your bird to do things. It isn't really a play stand because there is nowhere to play. I would recommend cutting a piece of wood into a circle to put on the dish. Then you can try to hang toys from the perch. But I would also recommend looking into a real playstand.
A lot of people on here have made PVC playstands very inexpensively. You can custom make one to your own dimensions! :)
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honestly, i can't find any other 'play' stands in this country other than the O play stand,
which i reaaaally want to get for klaus, but like i said in my post.. i don't have the
space for something too big. the best place klaus can spend most of his time with me
at is in my own room, and there is hardly enough walking space for me when his
current stand is in there for him to play on. i saw this base play stand in person and
i just love how compact it is and.... woops sorry, klaus was chewing on my sweater
behind me >.< !! @_@

anyway! as i was saying!! i love how compact it is and it looks good too. very high
quality compared to the stuff around here. he's in need of a new better stand and this
is the best i've found for my situation here, so i want to make the best out of it. ;(

oh and, i'm not one for building my own stuff! never really done it and i know i'll just
get lost, lol.
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Ok then you should just hang toys from the perch.
Yes, have to agree that as it is, it's kind of boring. You could add a ladder though down to the tray and put wood blocks and little shreddables down there for him to play with. You could also tie leather lace around the perch part for him to unknot. You could line the tray with newspaper or put down a towel, though some birds will rip the towel up as well, so use an old one you don't care about. Or an old shirt. My Grey seems to actually like chewing on toy parts at the bottom of her cage than to chew on her actual wood toys. Even a block of wood big enough for him to stand on can be fun for him to chew on.
A lot of people on here have made PVC playstands very inexpensively. You can custom make one to your own dimensions! :)

that is what we did for our conure JJ. My husband put together a PVC stand it's very easy to do and the stand is lightweight, small and was very inexpensive (I think we walked out of the store paying $5 and we had enough to make her her stand and also a shower/window perch.

here is the pvc pipe stand, we wrapped it in vet tape but you can also use sandpaper to rough the perches up so the bird doesn't slip.

here is the window/shower perch that my husband made for her too. We could also drill a hole in the end cap so we can hang a toy but haven't done that yet.

My husband and I also made a playstand out of pvc.


Jewels, I like that shower/window perch. How did you attach the suction cups?
Building a PVC play stand really is easy, especially if I did it too!

Jewels, I like that shower/window perch. How did you attach the suction cups?

We put the closed caps on all the ends, the suction cups had a little nipple on the one side so we drilled a hole just small enough to squeeze the nipple in.
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ohh thanks for those photos. it seems like fun to build a pvc stand. i might give it a go
sometime, but not sure about that right now!
Joey, they have the same stand at the pet store where our baby CAG is and it was soooo expensive! Perfect for the space we have like you, but the breeder/pet store owner told us to make one with occur and some sandpaper and vet tape. For when our baby isn't so clumsy of course! I'm very glad to see these pictures!
But you could attach a ladder and cover the base with vet tape so it isn't slippery? That is what we thought about.
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Joey, they have the same stand at the pet store where our baby CAG is and it was soooo expensive! Perfect for the space we have like you, but the breeder/pet store owner told us to make one with occur and some sandpaper and vet tape. For when our baby isn't so clumsy of course! I'm very glad to see these pictures!
But you could attach a ladder and cover the base with vet tape so it isn't slippery? That is what we thought about.

yeah i'm thinking of attaching a ladder. just have to order the right one for
the stand if i get it soon. and that vet tape idea doesn't seem so bad. might
give it a shot. :)
Pete's former owner is a surgical nurse. He gave me several of the sheets they use in operating rooms for protecting the table and things from blood. They are really wonderful because you can wash the poop back off and keep using it. I have one under and around Rowdy's cage, and use them under my stands and when I am holding Merlin. You can see one in my thread in the Grey area where I posted pics of Merlin. If you know someone in a hospital, they could get you those and you could cut them to size to fit in the pan. I really like them.
I think the stand looks very nice. It will be great for him to hang out and chill with you. Pepper's has one similar that she likes to sit on and watch TV or listen to music, or even watch me If I'm on the computer. I'll bet it will work out great. I like all the stands you guys made with PVC too. Very cool!

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