New member
Hi! Can anyone help me to identify whats going on with my ekkie's feather? So previously when i got him around 3 or 4 weeks ago, i saw he got a bald patch on the right side near to his nostril, but today he has more of those bald patch also near his nostril but on the left side. He never scratch his face or preening his feather excessively. He also eats well. Is this something like regular feather molt? I really appreciate any information from you guys. Thank you
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Sorry if the pic is too dark, i hope its still can be seen. I had to dim the light in my bedroom, my ekkie seems more comfortable and calm with dimmed light.
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Sorry if the pic is too dark, i hope its still can be seen. I had to dim the light in my bedroom, my ekkie seems more comfortable and calm with dimmed light.
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