Bad attacks and uggly scars


New member
Sep 20, 2010
sweden, lund
2 love birds.
He is called Pityu
She is called Citrus
They are 3years old, she is a little older than him
It was a long time ago i posted something here, but now im back with another problem that have been following my birds ever since i got them.
Before i go in to the problem itself i will just describe the two lovebirds i have:
I have the yellow one wich is a female, she is the dominant one and "rules" over the cage and the green bird. She have a very big self-confidense and she loves to explore every corner of the house. She is the better flyer of the two and all in all much fitter than the green bird. She thinks im okey and i can pick her up without problems OUTSIDE the cage, but she is not the one who trusts me to 100%
Now to the green one:
He is both smaller and unfitter than the yellow one. Im acctually not shure if he is a male or female, cause the owners i got them from said that he is a male and yes all the signs points on that he is a male, BUT there have been no succesfull hatching on three attempts.
His self confidense is low due to his allways "pushed down" by the yellow.
He likes to stay at one place, does never realy go anywhere exept for the roof of the cage and he is very suspicious and a little paranoid to some things, like when i pick him up, sometimes he can jump ip on my hand and i can scratch him gently under his beak, but somedays he just tryes to bite me when i want to pick him up(in that case i leave him)

SO now to the problem!:
THe yellow one have always dominated over the green one and sometimes even attacking him or biting him.
Yestarday she started hunting him around in the cage for simply nothing. He just sat on a regular perch in the cage when all the sudden she threw her self over him and tryed to bite him in the neck and a hell of a chase/fight started where the green one terrifiedly and screaming tried to escape.
Later i came home and saw something terrible.
THe green ones eye was all covered in blood, first i thought that he might lost his eye cause it looked like that. But after flushing it gently with water and carefully drying up blood around his eye with papper, it acctually looked much "better"... it turned out to be a nasty scar above his eye that caused the bleeding.
So with doubdtly i let him in to the cage again and everything seamed fine, but i just had to wait a half hour more untill i heard him scream again, this time the yellow was biting his foot and another uggly, bleeding scar was visible. I took care of that to.
Now his is on top of the cage and so they cant see eachother i covered the cage with a towel. He have some food water and a little tree house where he slept yestarday. My big question is What Should I Do?!
They cant live like this! But right now i dont have the money for a new cage!
Also when the yellow one attacked the green ones leg i wanted to make a stop for it and thought i gently push the yellow one away, but somehow it just errupted in a sort of smash wich sent the yellow one to the otherside of the cage. Everytime i open the cage now she is terrified of me and panics down to the bottom of the cage wich makes me very sad :( :(
So i can not uderstand WHY she is doing this to him, but i think you do....right??
Firs of all you must separate them. There is now easy answer why. You can have them sepated and try to have the cages beside and see if there is progress in there relation, and maby after some month they can be together angayn, but probably not.
There coud be one reason I thing you must check, if the bird have some ilnes that caused this atachs.Good luck
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You mean the yellow one?
I dont think so she is just normall in every way and like i said she have been attacking him before.
Now when the green one is on top of the cage they dp communicate, but i dont know in what mood.
The yellow one is filled with eager to go out and up on the cage, to the green and does constantly climb on the seiling of the cage etc.
Meanwhile the green one does not give a **** about the yellow other than replying to her calls sometimes.
Other than thay he's just sitting and eating/drinking and playes around with the little tree house. (Basicly looking somewhat like a nesting house)
THanks for replying!
I honestly think putting them in seperate cages next to each other would be best, it'd give the green guy a little more reassurance that he's safe and not going to be bullied for this that and the other, you'd be able to teach him to play and trust you.

She'd still be able to speak to him, play with toys, have her time out of the cage, just not when she can get to him. :)
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Thank you for your advice, but i can only have one cage.
So i decided to give away or sell my yellow bird.
Im doing so with deep heart and for both birds best, even if it makes me sader than sad :(
what would be the first thing i need to do when i sold the yellow one?
Is there something i should do with the green bird, some technique for make him more self-confident? Cause now he looks all confused and it seemes like he cant even trust me :/
Thank you for your advice, but i can only have one cage.
So i decided to give away or sell my yellow bird.
Im doing so with deep heart and for both birds best, even if it makes me sader than sad :(
what would be the first thing i need to do when i sold the yellow one?
Is there something i should do with the green bird, some technique for make him more self-confident? Cause now he looks all confused and it seemes like he cant even trust me :/

What a shame, it's always horrible to rehome a pet :(
Sometimes it is for the best to rehome if there is no other choice.
Just maybe change his toys around, let him settle and get used to the idea that he's not under threat often, chat to him, maybe give him treats. Just let him settle I suppose :)
i think once the yellow is out of the picture he should come into his own, but for now, see if any1 has anything siutable, for 1 of the birds?? even a travel cage, as i have a feeling the yellow will kill the green for what ever reason

if you have face book ask there!

it is a shame as it must be such a hard thing to do, to have to rehome one of them
Can't anyone on this forum donate a cage maybe? From Sweden? I am sorry I am too far (USA) but if i was in your country, i would gladly offer a small cage until you figure out what is going on :(
If you can't get another cage to separate them, then I suppose rehoming would be your next best option, and as soon as possible. It sounds to me like the yellow one will kill the green one. :(
Lovebirds can be pretty nasty little birds when it comes to cage mates. Like it was suggested already by doing separate cages, but since you can't, best to find a home for one ASAP!!!! Otherwise it can get a lot worse! I would post one to be re-homed ASAP!!! You can't really put much of other kinds of birds with Lovebirds because of their vicious habit. They give really nasty bites. Good Luck!!!
How long have these birds been together? It can take months to get two Lovebirds in the same cage, I'm hoping you didn't just throw them in. Also if it hasn't been long, three clutches?!?! You should only be allowing 1-2 a year, and those should have plenty of time in-between. You can end up killing the hen at that rate.

I hate to be even slightly rude, but by researching this species you would have already known all about their social skills. They are very violent little birds, and they are my favorite species. Buy another cage, don't send the bird away because of lack of research and being introduced incorrectly.
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Thank you everyone who posted here. I had to give away the yellow one :( :( :(
I cant describe the emthy hole she left here in our house, but i didnt know what to do :(
I cant let them tear appart eachother!
The guy i sold it too was very kind and new much more than i know about birds :)
Now i have a little problem.
The green is used to have a room mate, so will he fine alone? I mean i do focus on him and speak, take him out and try to make him happy, but his not to confident.
He have always been a bird with low self-confidence and i dont know how to make him trust me!
His ok with sitting on my hand but he have been a bit drawn back since the yellow one left :(
Im afraid that he will come farther away from me every day and that he will live a boring and painfully unsocial life!
How can i make him trust me? I have not done anything bad to him but he seemes to be life-afraid of my hands :O
Pls help!
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How long have these birds been together? It can take months to get two Lovebirds in the same cage, I'm hoping you didn't just throw them in. Also if it hasn't been long, three clutches?!?! You should only be allowing 1-2 a year, and those should have plenty of time in-between. You can end up killing the hen at that rate.

I hate to be even slightly rude, but by researching this species you would have already known all about their social skills. They are very violent little birds, and they are my favorite species. Buy another cage, don't send the bird away because of lack of research and being introduced incorrectly.

They have been together in over 3 years now ever since they where small and they had 1 clutch this spring/this year.
The fact that they have been going along very good before makes me very confused, but nowdays i just cant seem to make them even bother about eachother :/
I know that these birds are picky with partners and that,you cant throw them here and there. But i do also know that if they find someone they like to be with, may it be female or male, they almost never separate!
Thats why this was so wierd.
IF you could help me with the green bird i would be very happy, thank you

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