Back to the vet (more mucus)


Active member
Oct 30, 2012
Montreal, Canada
Jasper (6yr old Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot)
Been watching Jasper carefully for the past week and I've seen that mucus in his beak again each day. Just once, for a couple minutes, but last night his mouth was full of it for about 5 min. Made a vet appointment immediately.

Turns out he has a yeast infection (they did another crop wash), which is common after a bacterial infection. So glad I listened to my gut and brought him in for another visit instead of just ordering more meds for him.

He's on the anti-fungal meds for 2 weeks then another crop wash.

Hope this is it!!
Awww Katie, I'm sorry to hear Jasper is still struggling. I hope this round of meds will do the trick.
Aw man. Poor guy. Hope this is it and he can be healthy soon!
Poor Jasper. I'm really hoping that these new meds get him back on his feet.
What a sin! I'm so glad he has you to take care of him.
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Thanks everyone. I feel so badly everytime he's at the vet. Luckily he recovered quickly after the appointment but it can't be easy on him getting this done so often :( I'll keep you posted.
Poor Jasper! I hope he gets well soon. He's lucky you have been watching him so carefully.

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