Back from the Vet


May 19, 2013
Cockatiels - Oz & Kaila
Oz and I just came back form the vet. All she told me was that, since he only had symptoms yesterday and seemed better today, it was probably caused by him eating something that he shouldn't have.

Oh, and she broke 3 of his blood feathers... My little guy really isn't feeling too great right about now. He would jump to me every time that woman tried to touch him after she broke the first feather. (because she didn't break them all at the same time)

It really broke my heart to see him like that when she had him toweled to pull out the feathers... I wish he'd bitten her for that :mad:

I'm sorry, I guess it's not that big of a deal (?)... It just never happened before and seeing how lethargic and scared he was after that really affected me. Gonna go and cool off now.
Did they at least take dropping samples for testing??
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Nope, just said to watch him and try to find the culprit =I Well, at least now I know he's not ill, I'm just kinda irked about him having to go trough that much stress and having his feathers broken. It only really started bothering me when she broke the second one, then a third.
Nope, just said to watch him and try to find the culprit =I Well, at least now I know he's not ill, I'm just kinda irked about him having to go trough that much stress and having his feathers broken. It only really started bothering me when she broke the second one, then a third.

I'm so sorry! That's awful! 1 blood feather is bad enough, 3 is careless!! Poor little guy! :(
And I would have TOLD them to test the droppings.
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Here's a pic of where one of the feathers got broken, the others were on the other wing. You can see the little stump =(

Awwww....poor baby!!!! Perhaps you should look into going to a different vet,,,this one doesn't sound very promising....
Ok... I am new to all of this but, why did she break the blood feathers? Was it on purpose? If so why?
Poor little guy! I def agree with finding a new vet! :(
Ok... I am new to all of this but, why did she break the blood feathers? Was it on purpose? If so why?

No you don't break blood feathers on purpose. If the vet is not careful, rough, or doesn't towel properly, blood feathers are very fragile, and can break....
It can happen by accident, however when it happens once, the vet should be more careful. Feathers molt in pairs, so when you have 1 blood feather, you should know there are more!

Either the vet is a brute and careless, or not qualified enough to handle birds.
Aw, that had to be nerve wracking, for you and the bird! I agree that maybe this was the last trip to that particular vet! Normally avian vets are really good with handling birds for the least amount of stress possible.
Sorry you had this bad experience! i would be really mad/upset about it too.
poor little bub. I would seek another vet, your bird with thank you for it.

I'm surprised they didn't do a fecal test.

where do you live in Canada?

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