Baby vinny is not feeling well. :(


New member
Jul 19, 2012
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St. Louis, MO
TESLA-Congo African Grey
VINNY - Vasmaeri Eclectus
Well, little Vinny isn't feeling well. He is a 4 month old Ekkie.

When I went to get him from the cage this morning, he wasn't himself and didn't want to come out. Normally he's excited and squawkin' and wants breakfast, he was just sitting on his perch when I opened the door.
Next we went to give him breakfast w/ us on the island in the kitchen....normal for him. He was really crabby and was lunging at my fingers a lot (he does this sometimes but not this much)
He only ate a little food....normally he's diggin' right in. He just ate a few peas.
He also looked sleepy and yawning a lot.
I then fixed him some baby food and gave it to him w/ a syringe and he ate about 2 syringes full.
The house is about 72 may have gotten a little colder than that last night but not by too much.
I covered his cage and left pellets in there with him.
Later that day about 5 I checked on him and he is still just sitting there on his perch looking at me....puffed a little and shivers a bit.

I am going to call the avian vet in the morning. I gave him more baby food but he only ate about 2 syringes full again. This is really all he's eaten today and yesterday he really didn't eat that well.

He was born 7-20-12.

I am soooooooo worried about him!!! I've never had a sick bird. :(
The main thing is to keep him warm. If you can, get a shop light and use a 60w bulb in it. Wrap his cage with a towel to keep heat in then bring him into your vet ASAP. It's not wise to feed him pellets!!! Their body can not tolerate the added vitamins and minerals, it can give them health issues. They need to get their needs through fresh fruits and veggies and the stuffs you can cook for them such as sweet potatoes as they need stuffs with high beta carotene (Sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc.).
These are the Harrison's pellets that all of the breeders Ekkie's eat so I don't think that is it. We have to keep him eating some pellets since he hasn't eaten as many fruits and veggies as we'd like just yet. We've only had him since 10-31.
I did manage to talk to the vet on duty so we'll be dropping him off there in the morning for them to monitor.
Yes I did see the pellets they have for ekkies, I'm still skeptical to feed that to them....I stick to my fresh stuff....Good luck, let us know the results....
My Ecky has been eating pellets since being weaned he's 17 months now and he is happy and healthy. The breeder feeds all hers on pellets too (As well as the veg, fruit, rice and stuff.) I use Vetafarm Maintenance pellets for him.
We are going to the vet this morning so wish him well. :( He was a little more vocal this time, but still would only eat babyfood in the syringe. I did add a big dose of probiotics.
My Ecky has been eating pellets since being weaned he's 17 months now and he is happy and healthy. The breeder feeds all hers on pellets too (As well as the veg, fruit, rice and stuff.) I use Vetafarm Maintenance pellets for him.

I've read mixed messages so I decide to stay natural as we feel it's better for them. We love our ekkies and don't want to take any chances....

CRYROLFE, hope for the best!!!!!
Good Luck,

Hope he's ok. waiting not so patiently on updates.
Sorry about no update!
Vinny got everything tested and they found nothing, so they put him on Baytril and Fluconazole just in case. When he got home, he started eating his veggies like nothing happened. :(

Now he seems fine and eats (although not tons of food) and is keeping his weight.
Since this has happened, we are now off of all meds. About a week ago, he had a seizure. I really didn't know what it was since I never saw that before.....but then a week later he did it again.

I read all sorts of things and nothing really fits him. I have no clue what to do now....I will call the vet again on Monday to let him know what's going on now.
He's only 5 months old!!!
Well, I suppose that Vinny really never had a seizure.....I guess he was just wiggin' out. Every once in awhile he will really flap around like crazy in the cage and bob his head and act all weird. I think he's just goofy. Maybe he's doing what my dogs do when they get the "Zoomies"
He's been fine since....haven't really noticed any issues and he has great appetite.
Good thing!
So glad he is doing better:)
Thanks for the update....and how absolutely TERRIFIC you had AWESOME news. :)

Vinny has the "zoomies" made me crack up. I know what you're talking about though, my dogs get those on a regular basis ;)

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