Baby noises or Possible aspiration symptoms?


New member
Aug 15, 2019
Blue-Throated Macaw
Hey Guys,

Just have a question, when I have my baby 6 week old blue throated macaw out, and we are playing and preening he will make little wheezing and light squealing sounds I guess would be the best way to put it. This seems especially prominent if heā€™s bending his neck to reach under his wing or laying down with his crop touching the towel.

Iā€™ve had plenty of experience hand feeding chicks of all varietyā€™s and have never had one aspirate on me(thank god) and I feel confident and competent in the practice. But Iā€™m always paranoid about it.

His rate of breathing seems slow and normal when heā€™s in his tub resting, wether heā€™s standing up or laying down, and I listen closely and donā€™t hear any unusual noises or wheezing. He does sneeze every once in a while, but I donā€™t think he does it often or excessive.

When I have him out of his tub, heā€™s alert, crawls around, flaps his wings, and pretends like heā€™s preening when I scritch him all over.

Anyways Iā€™m hoping that Iā€™m just being a super cautious ā€œparrotā€ and his weird sounds are coming because heā€™s pressing on his crop, trying to be talkative, or just has his head at an awkward angle.

Whatā€™s your guyā€™s opinion?

Thanks in advance!
At a very young age my gold-capped would squeal. But I did not have him at a mere six weeks - he was already at least three or four months old when I brought him home. I would see if there are any Avian vets in your area that you can call to ask about it.
I agree w/ dhraiden.
If you think those sounds are because he may have aspirated, get him to your Certified Avian Vet ASAP.
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I agree w/ dhraiden.
If you think those sounds are because he may have aspirated, get him to your Certified Avian Vet ASAP.

Thanks guys,

Weā€™ll go see his vet for a checkup, and ask questions about the strange noises he sometimes make. Probably just ā€œparront paranoiaā€ but can never too safe!
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Well ā€œbutterballā€ had his exam and checkup today, he is a 100% healthy baby birdie, no signs or symptoms of aspiration!! Guess baby macaws just make some weird sounds sometimes.

Just some parontnoia I guess, lol I am so glad though, vet and nurses said that he was their favorite patient of the day.

Phew, thank-goodness!
Fantastic! You can never be to careful. Did they do blood work and culture, or swab and gram stain??
Good that you took your bird to the vet and great that all is well. Not "parontnoia", just being conscientious and careful. Better to be safe than sorry.
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Fantastic! You can never be to careful. Did they do blood work and culture, or swab and gram stain??

Yes, they did total physical examination, X-ray, blood test, and gram stain. Results of the later two will be available tomorrow. Doc said I probably neednā€™t worry about the later two, I opted to have them done anyways for total peace of mind.

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